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Should cycle riders stay in single file?

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I hate to burst your bubble, but most regular users of that short dual carriageway will position themselves in the lane they will need well before the lane markings.


I'm sorry but collective understanding is not worth the paper its written on. The road is a dual carriageway and the highway code is clear.


are you saying that a cyclists should be allowed to ride up the middle of that road for the entire stretch of dual carriageway, effectively blocking all traffic on either the left or right lanes?


We all know that right is for straight on and leaving it until the lane markings to move over invariably leads to issues.


if that's the case, take a trip up that road on street view and note how many cars switch lane at the top.

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Which sign is this? I have seen no such sign on that road and google street view also shows no sign. The only signage is at the top and that is an attraction sign, not a get in lane sign. The road markings are there but at the end right before the cycle lane, but this is not where the cyclist was holding everyone up, he was going so from the bottom to the top.


The clue is in the words I used

The lane markings

The large arrows on the road.


I already agreed that they were further up the road than I thought.


Which lane were you in by the way in your car?

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left, but that does that have to do with anything?


I was hoping that you'd have been in the right to be honest, like most car drivers who are going to Broomhill.


I think the cyclist was probably wrong to have moved out there so early, it's not the safest way to use that road. There are at least as many car drivers misuse that lane, not that this would justify the cyclist.


Nobody has ever claimed that cyclists don't make mistakes, you've been desperately trying to claim that cyclists go around causing massive hold ups, you've now managed to find a single incident of a cyclist causing a hold up, well done, it's still not the norm though is it!

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I was hoping that you'd have been in the right to be honest, like most car drivers who are going to Broomhill.


I think the cyclist was probably wrong to have moved out there so early, it's not the safest way to use that road. There are at least as many car drivers misuse that lane, not that this would justify the cyclist.


Nobody has ever claimed that cyclists don't make mistakes, you've been desperately trying to claim that cyclists go around causing massive hold ups, you've now managed to find a single incident of a cyclist causing a hold up, well done, it's still not the norm though is it!


OK great, we have got somewhere. The reason I pointed it out was because previously in this thread some cyclists claimed cyclists never held up traffic. This was a clear example of a cyclist doing just that, but also doing so in contradiction of the highway code.

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OK great, we have got somewhere. The reason I pointed it out was because previously in this thread some cyclists claimed cyclists never held up traffic. This was a clear example of a cyclist doing just that, but also doing so in contradiction of the highway code.


Now you're being disingenuous. The claim was that cyclists didn't hold up traffic in any meaningful way.

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So what did you do, drive along at 4 mph until the cyclist reached the cycle path?


I did, some in front of me took the option of squeezing past, which just made said cyclist wobble even more. So I was patient and passed as he entered the cycle path. at which point I gave him a friendly toot :)

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OK great, we have got somewhere. The reason I pointed it out was because previously in this thread some cyclists claimed cyclists never held up traffic. This was a clear example of a cyclist doing just that, but also doing so in contradiction of the highway code.


They claimed never, or they claimed that it never actually affected your overall journey.


You were in the left hand lane on Western Bank.


When you passed the cyclist you ended up either at the lights to turn left at the top, the lights to go straight on and queue in Broomhill, or maybe you turned left and made it down to the next set of lights.

It's impossible to prove but I bet you know full well that the cyclist didn't actually alter your overall journey time.


You didn't answer my question though, did you follow this cyclists up western bank at 4mph until the cycle lane?

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Now you're being disingenuous. The claim was that cyclists didn't hold up traffic in any meaningful way.


I'm sorry but you appear to be the one adding adjectives to this not me. your comment is the first time the word "meaningful" has been used in this thread.

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