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Should cycle riders stay in single file?

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I did, some in front of me took the option of squeezing past, which just made said cyclist wobble even more. So I was patient and passed as he entered the cycle path. at which point I gave him a friendly toot :)


Breaking the highway code eh... You know what to use your horn for right? It's not to scare or admonish cyclists.

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They claimed never, or they claimed that it never actually affected your overall journey.


You were in the left hand lane on Western Bank.


When you passed the cyclist you ended up either at the lights to turn left at the top, the lights to go straight on and queue in Broomhill, or maybe you turned left and made it down to the next set of lights.

It's impossible to prove but I bet you know full well that the cyclist didn't actually alter your overall journey time.


You didn't answer my question though, did you follow this cyclists up western bank at 4mph until the cycle lane?


Arh right so you are calling me a liar now. Well that's your right. I know what happened and I know what the right actions would have been. you seem to want to fight a losing battle for nothing other then being argumentative and have an inability to accept when you are obviously in the wrong. That says a heck of a lot more about you than it does me.


on the subject of not answering your question, I suggest you read the thread as I have already replied.

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I suggest you use the search function, you might be surprised.


I have used it, but it has a little feature where you can copy the link and post it here if you have found something I have missed.


copy and past the link here and I'll have a look.

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Breaking the highway code eh... You know what to use your horn for right? It's not to scare or admonish cyclists.





The horn. Use only while your vehicle is moving and you need to warn other road users of your presence.


I was warning the cyclist of my presence.

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You think he was unaware? And what was the point of warning him when he was in his own lane and you were passing him?


I didn't call you a liar, one wonders if you protest a little too much!

What I did was speculate about the continuation of your journey, are you claiming that you weren't subsequently stopped by any traffic or lights.

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Is this really a major issue or a 'Dead Herring', as you put it?


During many years of travelling the roads of Sheffield, usually commuting in the morning and evening. I can't even recall the last time i've seen a cyclist hold up other road users in any meaningful way.


I have used it, but it has a little feature where you can copy the link and post it here if you have found something I have missed.


copy and past the link here and I'll have a look.


Feel free to quote



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on the subject of not answering your question, I suggest you read the thread as I have already replied.


You do realise that with us posting close together it's entirely possible that we cross post, and I think you've not answered when in fact you answered it a few seconds ago.

Maybe I should be more patient, or assume that you're going to make multiple posts.

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You do realise that with us posting close together it's entirely possible that we cross post, and I think you've not answered when in fact you answered it a few seconds ago.

Maybe I should be more patient, or assume that you're going to make multiple posts.


Failure point, the comments are coming pretty thick and fast :cool:

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