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Should cycle riders stay in single file?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking at the map, it doesn't look like the road widens where the cycle lane is. it appears to me like the R/H lane becomes narrower. If so, why is it that cars can overtake cycles there safely but not further down, where apparently the cyclist was only taking up half as much room because his other half was in the L/H lane?

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The problem cycling on that bit of road is the pinch point at the top where the traffic lights are. If you want to go straight on you'll need to pull over whenever you get the chance because you may not get more than one. Once in the right lane there isn't room for a car to overtake safely so the best position is primary in the middle of the lane. That may so slow down following cars for a short stretch but at most times of the day this is irrelevant due to the volume of traffic around the childrens hospital. This generally means that a bike will be fastest anyway.


I dont understand why you'd want to cycle on the line between the two lanes when you'd risk being squashed from either side.

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I cycle... A lot and I also drive a lot,

I have my own views on this and they are that cyclists should fall into dingle file, unless racing when cars que up behind... There's no reason not to!!

Secondly I feel that the cycle lanes are ridiculous I cant even count the number of times when a drain grate spans the entire lane forcing the cyclist to leave the cycle lane, which drivers expect us to be in causing them to beep etc.. But would they rather cyclists drive over the grates and fly off their bikes and into the roads? I and many other cyclists I pride with share these views and I personally feel people need to be more considerate on a whole!

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  • 3 months later...
Is not it a legal requirement that cyclists stay in single file on the roads? Today I was travelling in the opposite direction to a group of about 20 of them and they were side by side holding up tax paying road users. Isn't it illegal for them to ride in "clumps" taking up a full lane and holding back proper tax paying road users?:rant:


Horse users don't pay road tax and they are a lot slower than cyclists so why not just drive them off the road as well???

Also, pedestrians don't pay road tax but they still walk across the roads!

You're forgetting an important thing, if i stop cycling, got off my bike, and walked across the road you would pull up! Why not if i'm sat on the bike?

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