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Should cycle riders stay in single file?

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They should have to take a test the same as motorists have isurance and pay road tax.

Roads are busy enough without having unqualified numpties on bikes loose on them.


But why when there are certain cars that are not eligible for road tax? PLEASE could one of the anti cyclist people explain that little conundrum.


Bikes are considerably less lethal than cars and so the need for a proficiency test is greatly reduced.


Insurance I have.

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Bikes are considerably less lethal than cars and so the need for a proficiency test is greatly reduced.


Sidecut's also not thought that perhaps most of the people he sees on bikes hold valid driving licences. Certainly at my last office in Sheffield the bike rack was full each day, and every person who had a bike in it also held a driving licence.

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But why when there are certain cars that are not eligible for road tax? PLEASE could one of the anti cyclist people explain that little conundrum.

Don't encourage them in their believe in road tax, it doesn't exist, it hasn't for nearly a century.

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  • 1 year later...

So can we hold traffic up if the car does not have road tax? There are many cars on the roads today that do not require road tax (low emissions battery types) and of course there car owners that drive breaking the law with out taxation of their car. I have a car that is taxed, i also work and pay my income tax and VAT etc i also have a bicycle that doesn't require tax by law. I am not breaking any laws when i ride my bike single file or two a breast. If the law required me to have bicycle tax i gladly would, but wait a minute would you show cyclists greater respect if we had bicycle tax, i think not! Remember people you cannot change any thing by ranting, try patience in the future as cycling is on the up so you may as well get used to it.


---------- Post added 25-04-2014 at 13:42 ----------


Any way car drivers it was mentioned earlier about a proficiency test, i would gladly take one if the law required it but we don't have to so get over it. Ha ha.


---------- Post added 25-04-2014 at 14:04 ----------


As i have noticed car drivers are so up tight, impatient, angry etc because they are stuck behind another car that is behind another car that is behind another car and so on, me as a cyclist do not have this, i breath in the fresh air and ride on and on with out any stress. Its great, may be we could all try it, you know start using your body as it should be, think of the angry dog that is tied up all day and never gets any exercise, if only some one would take it for a little exercise you think to yourselves, that would surely help the dog you think. Well may be you could do the same to you. Keeeeeeeeeeeep cycling.


---------- Post added 25-04-2014 at 14:14 ----------


Just because some one wears a white coat doesn't mean they are a Doctor. If some one takes a driving test doesn't mean they are a good driver. I say that if cyclists have to take a proficiency test, (i have a driving licence) then what about car drivers spending a bit of time on a bicycle, in dense traffic with lorries, buses and all other types of vehicles travelling to and from work, you would soon have a much greater respect of all road users.


---------- Post added 25-04-2014 at 15:23 ----------


---------- Post added 25-04-2014 at 15:42 ----------


Same old arguments every time, over and over, its like being in a long line of traffic, you will just have to shut up and put up. Keeeeep cycling, it's great. Yorkshires biggest day soon, and its all about bicycles going through our country side, people will see from all over the world. I love cycling, you should all try it.

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Truman, you know my feelings on cyclists, and it pains me to say this, but unfortunately rule 66 clearly states that its a "should" and not a "must not" and some of the crazy cyclists will bend over backwards to point that out/


Im sure there will be a cyclist on here soon telling us all what they can and cant do, and I got barred last time for telling one of them what I think. Mr peddle power can do what he wants for me, because if they ride like donkeys, then they ask for all they get. No sympathy from this camp! :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


YES .I got barred as well has Meddusa got a bike./ :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Never seen one displaying a tax disc. They should also have to pass a driving test and have their bikes M.O.Td


---------- Post added 25-04-2014 at 21:52 ----------



Will the mountain bike section be down Blackstock road?


I'm not sure there is a mountain bike in production that could stand the hammering a ride down Blacstock Road would give it!:(

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