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Should cycle riders stay in single file?

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Maybe they should read the Highway Code..




Pay particular attention to long vehicles which need a lot of room to manoeuvre at corners. Be aware that drivers may not see you. They may have to move over to the right before turning left. Wait until they have completed the manoeuvre because the rear wheels come very close to the kerb while turning. Do not be tempted to ride in the space between them and the kerb."


On the other hand, should an HGV (or car) overtake a cyclist in the knowledge that a few seconds later they will have to turn left. No, of course they should not.

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What tax do children pay?

VAT on sweeties maybe?

It was established on the first page that they do not have to ride in single file.

There is no 'spirit' of the law in this case, it's quite clear that cyclists can ride 2 abreast. If you hit them because you're a poor driver then it's entirely your own fault.

Cyclists, indeed all slow moving vehicles, have an obligation to pull over where safe in order to allow faster moving vehicles to pass.



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On the other hand, should an HGV (or car) overtake a cyclist in the knowledge that a few seconds later they will have to turn left. No, of course they should not.


Doesn't matter who's fault it is if a cyclist and an HGV collide there'll only ever be one winner..if you feel lucky on your bike then ride up the inside..I'm not saying who's right or wrong just who'll come second..

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VAT on sweeties maybe?


Cyclists, indeed all slow moving vehicles, have an obligation to pull over where safe in order to allow faster moving vehicles to pass.




If they are causing an obstruction.


I wish that car drivers would do it. I had to drive back over the snake at 30mph yesterday because someone is scared of the dark.

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On the other hand, should an HGV (or car) overtake a cyclist in the knowledge that a few seconds later they will have to turn left. No, of course they should not.


I think this is aimed at HGV,s slowing down with their indicator on, ready to turn left, and a cyclist not seeing/ignoring/either/or both the indicator and carrying on, not realising the truck is turning. Sounds daft, but it happens. A lot. Only one outcome when the cab is turned......severe damage to the cyclist. Very awful, but only one party at fault really. And he/she will be squished. The driver will have to live with that.

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I did say earlier that nobody ever comes out top on this debate. I am a truck driver, and can honestly say that cyclists are the biggest pain in the arse, but that is just my perception of the whole cycling thing. A poster claimed he had a trucker cautioned for driving too close to him, well that sounds a little like cycley propaganda to me. A lorry driver, whilst ensuring he conforms with the rules of the road, has a duty to drive in a safe and couteous manner at all times that is usually above and beyond how a normal motorist would operate. This statement will probably be questioned, but HGV drivers are trained in a different way to non HGV motorists,. That can be a little difficult when a cyclist holds him up, as there is no safe way to pass unless the cyclist pulls over. In my experience they dont/wont. I have taken out a cyclist when I went round a corner. He had two witnesses who said it was my fault. 60 foot of truck indicating and turning left, and a cyclist tear-arsing down my inside in broad daylight. I couldnt believe the clown tried to blame me. The cyclist was given a warning from the police when he got out of hospital for riding without due care. I got sod all, not even an apology from the arrogant little twit. Sorry to all you half decent cyclists out there, but if you ride like a clown, you deserve everthing you get, and as I said many many posts ago, arrogance is not a defence when using the public highway. Cyclists should take more care of themselves and stop this "im immortal" attitude, and be more thoughtful if they are holding up traffic, and by the same token, cyclists should be given the full car width of space when you pass, but if passing isnt possible, do the decent thing and pull in.


There is no such offence, which suggests to me your story is a crock.

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If I overtook a clump of cyclists and one of them "wobbled" into me as I was overtaking, then the fault is with the cyclist. NOT ME!:)



Nope. The right of a cyclist to have "wobble room" is enshrined in case law and in the Highway Code. You're supposed to leave the same room for a bike as for a car when overtaking like a proper, trained driver:




It's shocking that your driving is apparently so appalling, have you actually passed your test?

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Nope. The right of a cyclist to have "wobble room" is enshrined in case law and in the Highway Code. You're supposed to leave the same room for a bike as for a car when overtaking like a proper, trained driver:




It's shocking that your driving is apparently so appalling, have you actually passed your test?


I passed my test many years ago and have never had an accident....with a 4 wheeled driver.:)

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