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How we love and believe the lies and propaganda!

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Well it all started when we smashed up Iraq from which it has not recovered, and lots of nice spent plutonium for generation of deformed people. It was a great show watching the missiles strike specific targets, and fortunately we were spared the misses. The country has been raped of its oil wealth, and Blair gets his yearly million installment plus the rest for being an obedient lap dog.


Then it was an even worse dictator, or just 6 million but with the richest oil fields in Africa, and 12,00 USA troops now guard the oil fields and export port, as that country is now ripped apart through tribal rivalry. Divide and rule has always been our policy, even to our resident population, as they still point fingers at each other, as who caused the financial collapse. Libya was another lie, but the public again like rabbits caught in the spotlight, OK'ed the war

through inaction. If Gadaffi was bad, what has replaced him appears to make him a saint.


So now just two significant oil fields left, Syria and Iran, with Iran being the real prize. The nuclear propaganda has become almost fact, apart from the fact the rare no facts, just suspicions Iran is going to build a bomb. But so was Saddam, but his weapons never existed.


The UK is on-board the Uncle Sam's Skylark mission as usual. Meanwhile Israel which has over 200 nukes ready for deployment, plus a very healthy and industrious chemical and bacterial warfare industry, laughs as it whips up fear and hatred, as the west prepares for war. Israel can have as many weapons of mass destruction without it ever being inspected, as it is exempt, for some reason. So that is all right then! One law for the warmongers and another for the rest of the world????


Again the propaganda which has been going on for a couple of years, as people have to be brainwashed with lies, soften them up, till they accept lies as truth. Heard the saying "throw enough "****" and some is bound to stick"??? Well it works, and our broken government and our broken banks, can smell the richness of the oil grab, with regime change of course.


So what will be the lie to bomb Iran so like Iraq it will take 30-50 years to recover? The USA spends more on "DEFENSE" than the rest of the WHOLE WORLD put together.


Well then its Syria, and then only two nations are left to sort out, for total control of the global resources, labor being one of them. You guessed it CHINA, and of course Russia.


So its war all the way, with the USA moving its whole Defense strategy into the Pacific arena. Well they are not interested in fish stocks are they? Its always longish term with the USA, so China in a decade, the only country not in debt.


To eradicate a military threat in a country, you destroy, water, media, telecommunications, sewage, electricity generating and distribution plants, roads and bridges, fuel storage, and not forgetting the country's defenses. The civilian population we re always told is never intentionally targeted, except in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Libya recently, but they are not like us and therefore do not count, as we are told they are the enemy, terrorist supporters, an not ordinary folk bringing up children the best they can.


So one way out of the recession that will last over a decade is to distract populations with war, war, and more war, through a compliant media. We can afford war, but not libraries, health, education, food and fuel inflation, controlling banks robbing the population through insane interest charges and other costs. We can afford a new airport in London and new trains tracks, which is helping the corporate world and not the people of the UK.


How come we accept such insults and humiliations? Is there something in the water, making us docile, or is TV the only hope we have left, in a world where corporate greed and dishonest governments rule?

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I don't believe, amongst many other of your paranoid delusions, that Blair gets any money from the oil in Iraq...


Although, the war was wrong and shouldn't have happened. The country will soon be worse than it was before the war. It was a waste of time, life and money..

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