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Leading the sheep to slaughter

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Governments are just the puppets you see, who pretend to be able to influence events, but what you do not see is that they can't. Want to be a politician, then know how to lie, stick a knife in someone while smiling and chatting to them, in other words the conscience of a psychopath.


Ever bothered to ask the one question who gains?


The politicians gain peanuts, compared to the profits of the corporate world. So you elect whoever, it does not matter as the economy they play with has all been accounted for and restricted, as the banks got us all ACCIDENTALLY in debt. You know how they like to lend so freely!


The politicians in the USA and Europe have just decided to increase sanctions against Iran. Why, because they don't like Iran, and pretend they have a nuclear bomb on the production line, without any evidence at all. Meanwhile Israel, the flag bearer of peace not only has over 200 nukes as well as a thriving biological and chemical weapons industry.


What has this got to do with our deepening economic depression? Well the new sanctions stop Europe buying any oil from Iran, till around July this year, to attempt to cripple the country, with money in Iranian bank accounts frozen too. Oil WAS traded in US dollars, and now Iran is selling oil to Russia, China and India using gold bullion as well as their own currencies, thus circumventing the dollar. Iran does not need Europe, or the petro dollar.


So how will it effect Europe, well Greece gets its oil from Iran, so that economy has no chance of recovery ever, and with that the UK finance Industry, that bunch of gangsters, find they have shot themselves in the foot, quickening Europe's decline as no one can now pay the debts, even in the long run, ever.


We will now have to pay more for oil, so that is food fuel, energy and the rest start to rise, and those sacked, the low paid will learn what going in debt to feed the children is all about. We are now locked into a slow spiral of economic disaster, where the pound and the dollar have sounded their death knell all by themselves. China, Russia, India and Iran do not need us, but we fooled ourselves they needed us. So maybe a war with Iran is on the cards for any excuse, to again, grab the oil wealth we want to control, and put in yet another corrupt puppet government.


Welcome to the new world of debt servitude, where individuals are all in debt together with the country, and together we are all giving it to the banks, and the puppets, the politicians know they will be out of office and no longer responsible at the next farce of a democratic election.


We the UK have no CASH money, known as capital, just debt. But we give money away, to the IMF bank for instance, has it occurred to anyone that if you are in debt, as in have no cash how can one give handouts?


Anyone fancy learning poaching? Might need an alternative food supply if the banks decide to close down. To make a government completely comply with a corrupt financial industry of educated gangsters, you make money inaccessible for the plebs, till riots, unrest, fear of starvation, no feed the kids, makes people grab what they can, before martial law is introduced. Think it is a joke?


Blair cut you civil liberties to almost zero, while you slept, and since the rest have been neutralized, and you never saw the reason for it outside terrorism. Proof that propaganda works, and this global economic tidal wave just might have been realise long before it happened, by those that had the most to gain.


Again, to any question remember to ask the QUESTION.........WHO GAINS?

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