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Les Collinson R.I.P.

Jacko 1

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I was saddend to hear of the death of Les Collinson, a person I met as a school boy at Parson Cross School in the late 1950's, he was resonsible for me getting an interest Nature Study ( birds and animals) he would take great time in drawing different types of birds on the blackboard, he as also very good with Maths, he would take us for P.T. not P.E. in the school yard and when it the yard was frozen would try our best to get him at the top of a slide made earlier in the day and push him down it he would get his own back by other means. We both moved up to Chaucer School although he ceased to be my teacher in any subject, but if we met on a corridor he would take time to ask how I was getting on, when I left school in 1959, myself and my mates went to his dance school in Havelock Square where we learned to dance better than the City Hall shuffle, Les would often come over and ask how things were. Around 1975 I was working as a Bus Inspector at the Leopald Street/West Street box, one day as I was coming out of the box to check the services we bumped literally into each other, after appologising he said to me ' Well blow me down it's ****** ******* he remembered my name after about 12-15 years of not seeing each other which I felt was no mean feat when you consider the number of people he would meet in the mean time. Les I am sorry I couldn't attend your funeral, but would like to say thank for your contributions to my life. R.I.P.

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