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Advice about letters from debt collectors

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Aside from the moral argument, in does a debt need to be paid?..yes it does!


It would seem that if a creditor doesn't take you to court, and sells the debt to some agency or other, they have pretty much given up on collecting the debt anyway. It's then that the 'agencies' send threatening letters etc in an attempt to make you pay......with additional fees dreamt up by themselves! As soon as you acknowledge the debt is yours, they can hound you forever more! And take you to court (however that does cost 'them' money, which they will of course add to the debt).


It's all very crazy!


Ignore them? Or hold your hands up? :huh:


They can't add fees*, or interest for that matter.




* with the exception of court fees obviously, and they have to win in court to get them back.

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They are not going to take them to court its not worth it for them the chances of them getting the money is to slim for them ,all they do is pester and bombard you with letters hoping you mite give into to the pressure and arrange some kind of payment plan with them, the original deter has given up and sold it on to them years ago,and all they do is chase old debts around, its not nice when these kind of people start ringing you up but don't worry there is nothing they can do to you, when they ring up they ask for your details over the phone Don't

give them any information at all then they can not proceed with there phone call and they go away,any letters from them should be not be replied to at all just keep them to one side in case they do happen to take it any further,its not that you should not pay your debts no one is saying that it is right to owe money to people, but you do not owe any money to the people who are chasing you they are nobody's just money chasing scroungers.

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They are not going to take them to court its not worth it for them the chances of them getting the money is to slim for them

What do you mean 'the chances of getting the money are slim'? CCJs are passed all the time. On what basis do you make this assertion?


To anyone who is ignoring a debt collector in the hope that it will all disappear - don't. It won't go away. Speak to a specialist and deal with your problems.

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What do you mean 'the chances of getting the money are slim'? CCJs are passed all the time. On what basis do you make this assertion?


To anyone who is ignoring a debt collector in the hope that it will all disappear - don't. It won't go away. Speak to a specialist and deal with your problems.

These debt chasers are very reluctant to take anyone to court it costs them money to do that, they just work on the law of pester power,it is no good them taking anyone to court as they can not get the money out of them in the first place taking them to court will not make any difference if people have not got any money now they still will not have any money after taking them to court and they know this, even if they do take them to court and get judgement against them the best they can hope for is an arrangement to pay through the courts, sending bailiffs in to take there goods away is a waste of time as the bailiffs want there bit as well,the debt chasers know all this,that debt has been bought by them in the hope of making a few quid, they usually put pressure on the debtor for while bombarding them with letters phone calls and threats to make a visit to your house all just bluff,and they do go away when they realize they are not going to get anywhere and they move on to another target, its a set course for them to do they mite say spend a fiver on phone calls and letters and things and call it quits,these people are just low life scum the need outlawing or at least more laws put on the to abide by,some of them are very persistent and sail very close to the wind and can make peoples life's a misery especially if they can see you are a bit unsure or a bit weak, they will say all sorts of things to make you pay,just remember they have no powers at all they have no authority at all.
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These debt chasers are very reluctant to take anyone to court it costs them money to do that, they just work on the law of pester power,it is no good them taking anyone to court as they can not get the money out of them in the first place taking them to court will not make any difference if people have not got any money now they still will not have any money after taking them to court and they know this, even if they do take them to court and get judgement against them the best they can hope for is an arrangement to pay through the courts, sending bailiffs in to take there goods away is a waste of time as the bailiffs want there bit as well,the debt chasers know all this,that debt has been bought by them in the hope of making a few quid, they usually put pressure on the debtor for while bombarding them with letters phone calls and threats to make a visit to your house all just bluff,and they do go away when they realize they are not going to get anywhere and they move on to another target, its a set course for them to do they mite say spend a fiver on phone calls and letters and things and call it quits,these people are just low life scum the need outlawing or at least more laws put on the to abide by,some of them are very persistent and sail very close to the wind and can make peoples life's a misery especially if they can see you are a bit unsure or a bit weak, they will say all sorts of things to make you pay,just remember they have no powers at all they have no authority at all.


If they have a court order they have the power of the courts behind them.... you reckon they won't chase a debt they have bought?

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These debt chasers are very reluctant to take anyone to court it costs them money to do that, they just work on the law of pester power,it is no good them taking anyone to court as they can not get the money out of them in the first place

If a debt collector buys a debt for a small amount of money, and the costs of court are on the debtor, then the collector is at an advantage for going to court. Even a debt paid at £1 a week for 2 years will make them a profit. Token payments to debt collection agencies are common for this reason.


I'm not disagreeing that they have awful morals, but ignoring them is not an option. They don't go away. In that context, you are vastly incorrect.

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How the debt collectors work,some firms specialize in buying very old debts on the open market passing debts between each other, they are usually debts that the original creditor has given up on and sold to make there books look good, no company likes its investors to see any debts on its books,so they sell them off for as little as a penny in the pound some company's sell blocks off debts off at knock down prices,these debt collectors buy these old debts and they get all the information on the debtor and then chase them for the money, some firms deal in just debt buying and selling,they have different types of debt collectors some buy the real old debts for next to nothing that debt will probably have been through loads of different company's and the closer it gets to the 6 year cut off time the harder they chase the debt these are usually the worst and nastily ones to deal with what they really want is for you to take a payment plan out with them that is there alter-mate aim that way they are making loads of money for nothing,if you want to pay the debt you should get touch with the original creditor but most of the time they will say that the debt has gone out to a debt collecting firm you will have to get in touch with them, or the company has probably been bought over by a different company who basically don't want to know.

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If they have a court order they have the power of the courts behind them.... you reckon they won't chase a debt they have bought?
If they think they have chance of getting the money out of them they mite do, but there are very very few times they will, what they really want is for the debtor to take a payment plan out with them.
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If a debt collector buys a debt for a small amount of money, and the costs of court are on the debtor, then the collector is at an advantage for going to court. Even a debt paid at £1 a week for 2 years will make them a profit. Token payments to debt collection agencies are common for this reason.


I'm not disagreeing that they have awful morals, but ignoring them is not an option. They don't go away. In that context, you are vastly incorrect.

No the debt collectors are not at an advantage taking anyone to court it costs them money up front to take someone to court the figures don't work it would not make them any money at all someone who is not working collecting unemployment will have to pay them 50p a week max the courts protect people from sharks like that token payments are usually arranged with out the courts that is what the debt collectors want they want any thing out of the debtor they don't want courts involved.

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