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Nottingham House- Opinions


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Cheeky git! Real ale is no longer seen as an old man's drink and is increasingly popular amongst young people, even students.


Are you one of those idiots who drink fizzy lager out of bottles because it looks cool rather than because you like the taste?


:hihi: I love the way Charlou accuses me of being narrow minded about what students drink and then makes the association that real ale is for "old folks". That's a classic! :hihi:

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Last time I went in was nothing special another boring bar with very little atmosphere and seem to think it was not that cheap either,typical pub co outlet,you are expected to pay more for an average or more often than not below average pub.


Used to like it years back when they had lots going on,open mic night was popular,it had a good atmosphere and a juke box rather than crappy piped music.


Good luck hope it goes well.

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Are you one of those idiots who drink fizzy lager out of bottles because it looks cool rather than because you like the taste?


I drink rum and apple, golden rum - not white rum. Or gin and cranberry. Or bottled fruit cider. Not sure if that makes me an "idiot" or not...

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:hihi: I love the way Charlou accuses me of being narrow minded about what students drink and then makes the association that real ale is for "old folks". That's a classic! :hihi:


Was being slightly flippant. I am well aware of the rising popularity of real ale, boutique breweries blah blah blah....


Still most people who drink it are boring losers.


(That was a joke, fyi)

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Was being slightly flippant. I am well aware of the rising popularity of real ale, boutique breweries blah blah blah....


Still most people who drink it are boring losers.


(That was a joke, fyi)


It is the only sector of the UK drinks market that is rising year on year, which is why so many pubs are selling it, and it appeals to young and old alike, most of the 18-24 year olds in my local are drinking ale rather than lager these days (mainly, but not all, male I hasten to add).


As for the Notty, I agree with most of the others on here that I used to love the Open Mic night on a Friday, when Jo ran the place and Jeff (now at the Red House on Solly Street, or was last I heard), sorted out the entertainment. The beers were always good, the wine not overly expensive and Cax (was that the spelling? the tall Irish lad) and the staff never kept anyone waiting too long.


I liked the pies they sold when the Cobden View team took over, plus they negotiated to keep one pump free from tie, so they always had a low cost real ale on for those on a tight budget.


I will definitely come back in and bring a crowd as well, however, just to be straight, I think you have your work cut out (but am sure you know this), as the recent history has left a lot of people wandering away and not coming back. The York, Place, Broomhill Tavern and Fox and Duck seem to do well, so you need to get people to "add" the Notty to their route/pub crawl somehow, maybe an opening offer or live music/open mic night.


I genuinely wish you good luck and will see you there!


(p.s. for any open mic old timers, I saw Carl (Karl?), with the long dreadlocks playing recently in "Jungle Lion", a 10 piece ska band from Sharrow, and Shaun (with the shaved head who could sound like Sting or Paul Weller with no effort) singing in "The Screaming Kidneys" with Steve "Sharp Cuts" Delaney, of Delaneys Bar fame, both bands worth checking out!)

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I remember a guy taking over the Notty House around 2008, Andy i think his name was, he introduced the pies, renovated the place, put a stage in etc. He sempt keen and motivated to make the place a success so if it flopped after all he did to the place then you may have your hands full. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Broomhill is very flooded as far as pubs go also with crookes up the road its very competitive and the number of punters enjoying a night out is declining in my oppinion due to economy and silly drink prices.


Best of Luck!

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I remember a guy taking over the Notty House around 2008, Andy i think his name was, he introduced the pies, renovated the place, put a stage in etc. He sempt keen and motivated to make the place a success so if it flopped after all he did to the place then you may have your hands full. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Broomhill is very flooded as far as pubs go also with crookes up the road its very competitive and the number of punters enjoying a night out is declining in my oppinion due to economy and silly drink prices.


Best of Luck!


Yes I agree with all of that think you have got your work cut out there particularly with a pub co and it is just a little of the beaten track.


Like I say good luck though.

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Are you thinking of having a quiz night? I often go to the Lescar with a group of friends for the quiz once a week but it is finishing increasingly late (past 11which on a week night is too late for me!) We're thiking of trying out somewhere new so if you do put on a quiz night we will try it out!

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