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Social Workers - Damned if they do, damned if they don't

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My sister and I grew up on the Manor in the 80's/90's and we didn't have a lot. We lived with domestic violence, and our mum had us young, 3 kids under 6 by the age of 21. But we have all made something of ourselves (and so has our mum :) and I think it's for this reason my sister decided to go into Social Work. She does understand and has had the life experience to deal with families such as this. Even so, she still HAS to take the softly-softly approach because they are the guidelines she has to work by. As I said before, getting irate and angry doesn't help anyone, even though they are completely normal emotions to have in these situations, and which is why I couldn't do this job because I couldn't overcome those feelings.


I must admit though, it did get to me a little to watch the young "new-age", recently graduated, hippy social worker riding to work on her bike, as it's true that she has probably never wanted for anything in her life, is from a comfortable middle-class background who's university fees were paid for by her parents and the fact that she is riding her bike to work is a lifestyle choice rather than a necessity. Even so, I can't see there being a check-list to study as a social worker which goes along the lines of "Lived in poverty? CHECK. Ever been neglated physically/emotionally? CHECK"...etc etc


It's the same way I think about the government and politicians, how can these people possibly make an informed decision on the lives of the working class when they have never lived a day in the life of the majority of people in the UK and have never wanted for anything? How can they possibly understand??


But the alterntive of letting people that are struck by poverty and have been "dragged up" run the country instead with no education I don't think would work either. So we just do the best we can...


Your sister is probably ideal for her job. I do understand guidelines - I've worked on the frontline of local government housing and homeless services in the past. I've also worked quite closely with social workers in a variety of situations. However, people can be given information in different ways that still meet the guidelines. Sometimes softly softly can across as apologetic and ineffective. It is often better to explain clearly what is needed, and what the consequences are likely to be if the needs are not met.


Meeting that family must have been an eye opener for that young social worker! In time she'll probably become accustomed to all sorts of things she never imagined. Perhaps working in pairs would be better when they are so young and inexperienced.

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Your sister is probably ideal for her job. I do understand guidelines - I've worked on the frontline of local government housing and homeless services in the past. I've also worked quite closely with social workers in a variety of situations. However, people can be given information in different ways that still meet the guidelines. Sometimes softly softly can across as apologetic and ineffective. It is often better to explain clearly what is needed, and what the consequences are likely to be if the needs are not met.


Meeting that family must have been an eye opener for that young social worker! In time she'll probably become accustomed to all sorts of things she never imagined. Perhaps working in pairs would be better when they are so young and inexperienced.


I think I missed your point, yes I agree with that. I liked the older, blonde social worker as she was more straight-to-the-point and didnt mess about trying to get that court order.


And yes I agress, especially as it can be very dangerous!! Many sister gets threatened inside these people's houses and she's completely on her own. It's a very vulnerable position to put a young woman into and I agree that measures should be put in place to ensure their security.

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