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Cyber Bullies ect.

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Are Internet hackers and similar people got mental health issues?


I'm not talking about just hackers who just hacks a programme to make it better, i'm talking about evil hackers who attack people who they may not like. (CONSTANTLY)


Do Anti-Spy ware and firewalls actually stop them?

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Are you talking about hackers or "hackers"?


The first instace are real hackers such as those involved in the Anonymous group.


The second are just those that managed to find out your email/social networking passwords and use them. They're not hackers.

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Cyber bullying has always confused me, especially when you hear parents going on about ''Ohh she was being bullied on Facebook, sending her messages and such'' Just block/delete the person who's 'bullying' you. Stopping a bully who can hack...slightly more difficult.

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If someone really wanted access to your machine badly enough, a firewall would not stop them... if they can get into NASA, DARPA and the NSA / CIA, then i'm sure a £30 firewall program that runs on a home computer can't stop them...


the best advise, is simple, don't have anything really important on your computer, save it to USB drives/flash pens... and change your passwords everywhere regular.. -- oh, and don't always use the same password for everything, have 3 or 4 passwords, ranging from less to more secure... and vary which password you use for which site(s)


less secure would be forums, medium emails, and the more secure for online banking, or paypal etc...

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if certain people can hack the likes of the Pentagon then every computer that is hooked up to the internet can be hacked.


But why are certain people targetted?


I could go into great detail but it would take too much up but basically I have been a victim of hacking through PS3, Digital T.V, laptop and Stalking through mobile tracking. But no one believes me.


People have said ignore them, but I can't keep ignoring them.


Oh and isn't this strange the first time when I tried to put this reply on here the internet connection went off?

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if certain people can hack the likes of the Pentagon then every computer that is hooked up to the internet can be hacked.


But why are certain people targetted?


I could go into great detail but it would take too much up but basically I have been a victim of hacking through PS3, Digital T.V, laptop and Stalking through mobile tracking. But no one believes me.


People have said ignore them, but I can't keep ignoring them.


Oh and isn't this strange the first time when I tried to put this reply on here the internet connection went off?


It's because you're a very important person.

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