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APPEAL to get Beau back on his feet


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I have been so busy with dogs and personal life lately that I've not been online much, and I feel terrible that when I do reappear it's to ask for money :( but please read, and share Beau's story where you can.


Beau was 18 months old when he came into TLDR through a private home situation, he is now 2 and a half. Beau has epilepsy and is on medication for this, but after some initial worries he has been very well controlled.


Unfortunately on Thursday 26th January Beau landed heavily on his right hind leg and has completely torn his cruciate ligament and displaced his knee cap. The only remedy for this is surgery, at a cost of around £700-£800, with possible additional aftercare costs for hydro or physio therapy.


Until then Beau is on complete crate rest, restricted to being taken into the garden for toileting on lead. He is incredibly bored and depressed by this. He's a lively, playful and active dog who adores the outdoors, rain, shine or snow! So this enforced immobility is getting him down. We urgently need to raise the funds in order for the op to go ahead. Every penny counts, so please help Beau get his bounce back!


Click here for Beau's full story




You'll find a donate button on the forum homepage if you'd like to make a donation via Paypal.


I live in Stocksbridge, and would be happy to meet up with anyone who might have ideas to share on productive fundraisers, or anyone wanting to get involved and lend a hand. If you have any ideas or can help in any way at all please do let me know. Maybe you work in a school that would be willing to hold a non uniform day for Beau, or a nursery that could arrange a Sponsored Hop in support. Perhaps you have a shop that would be willing to display a poster and collecting tin (all supplied).


Beau means a lot to us. He's been here with us for a year now, and he is so deserving of a the full and active life he could have again. Come and meet him and you'll see why :)


Thank you for reading. Please send Beau lots of healing thoughts.


Clare XX

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My son owns the barbers in the palace mall in Stocksbridge, I'm sure if you pop in there and ask him to have a collection tin and a poster he'd be more than happy to do that, and may be able to get the other shops to display too.

Just tell him that his mum pointed you in his direction :-)

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Beau is booked for his op on Wednesday thanks to a generous donation from one of our fosterers topped up by other donations.


A MASSIVE thank you for the names/numbers given. Greg at Peak Vets is the man doing the op, his price was £200 cheaper than elsewhere, and he and Nigel have been amazing with their advice on diet, postop care etc. The other vets/numbers contacted were not in vain either, as the info they gave has given me some ideas of longer term financial support for Beau should the cruciate problem rear it's head again, or show up in other joints.


fiveof, I haven't had chance to get down to your son's shop yet...with caring for Beau and 6 others, a roof leak and my car off the road at the moment it's been a nightmare week. but I will be calling in asap and having a chat.


A big thank you from me and from Beau for all your ideas, you're fab! XX

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