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Going back to the gym

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Well after a horrible few weeks I am feeling more positive about myself and have decided to go back to the gym after a hmmmm er 6 month break.


I wonder if anyone has any tips on what machines are useful for getting rid of "love handles" and flattening my wobbly belly.


I am going on holiday with friends at the end of July and they are all on mad diets which I'm not keen on. I want to lose about a stone by cutting out a few things but I'm not going crazy. I'd rather exercise the flab away.


Any tips please?

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Any of the aerobic machines will do. Personally I prefer the cross trainer coz there's no impact but they'll all burn calories if you work hard.


If you burn more calories than you eat, then you lose weight. What I do is count calories for a couple of weeks to get a feel for how much I'm eating. It's boring but it's only for a couple of weeks.


Then, just try to eat about 500 cals less per day which will equate to about a pound weight loss per week.


To tone yer belly, do crunches / situps / burpees or anything that uses those muscles.

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As DB said, anything cardiovascular will shift the weight. Weight training and machines can be tiring but doesn't burn nearly as many calories. Stick to the exercise bikes, running machines, step-machines etc.


No matter what ANYONE tells you, you cannot "target" areas for weight lose such as the belly or love-handles. There are exercises that will tone these areas but what's the point if you can't see it because you've still got a layer of fat on top?!? Once you've lost your stone then look to start toning exercises.


Good luck!

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

Cut out all yer carbs (i.e. bread, pasta. rice, banana's and potatoes) and do cardivascular exercise with some sit up's and the weight will fall from you.


Don't faint! I find a banana is a great pre-excercise slow-release energy booster.

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see this is why you need a good personal trainer, i basically live off bread and potato, (i have 2 chip butties a day) i live on crisps and chocolate thats all i eat, thats all i have ate for years and years, and i am fine, im getting my bmi in a coupla days so ill know better then, but im a healthy 70kg for my height.


you have to work out what works for you, there are some guidlines to follow but not all. i make sure i have a banana after a workout (and a tin or fice pudding) and at least have 2 a day. the only thing id say ive done is increase my water take in.


and i usually have over 20 units of alcohol a week.lol unhealthy?me?

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

Cut out all yer carbs (i.e. bread, pasta. rice, banana's and potatoes) and do cardivascular exercise with some sit up's and the weight will fall from you.


On the other hand you could try the kellogs diet.... which is supposed to be good!


I've always been advised (by different people ... including herol bomber graham) ... to maximise my carb intake ... just after exercise (within an hour if poss).


Something about your muscles absorbing the energy from the carbs.

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Cut out all yer carbs (i.e. bread, pasta. rice, banana's and potatoes)


This is known as th Atkins diet...


I have tried it myself, personally and I experienced tremendous pain on the backs of my legs after four days and had to stop immediately. It's a bad sign, so the book says...

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