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What are your favourite beers?

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I've just roled in from a night out and settled down for a glass of my favourite beer.


I just wondered what would be your top 6 favourite beers.


This is my list


1 Guinness Foreign Extra

2 McEwans Champion

3 Duvel

4 Thornbridge Jaipur

5 Fullers 1845

6 Barlow Anastasia. (which sadly will probably be discontinued)


The only thing that can improve on a Guinness Foreign Extra is to mix it with a drop of decent Port.

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I like the Guinness foreign extra too ! thats the 7% fally over water isnt it ? I like Newquay Steam beer and probably my all time favourite would be Belgian Brigand which comes bottled with the sediment in Champagne bottles 9%, Whitbread Tankard used to be nice and Conquerer from the Frog and Parrot too !

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I don't drink very often (depends on the meds ;)) but I tend (in the US) to brew my own.


When we were in Germany, home brew wasn't cost-effective. - I lived a few miles from a number of excellent breweries and I could buy beer for less than a quid a litre.


There are bad beers - bad beers in any country. But there are also good beers.


The UK has a lot of good beers (though there used to be far more.)


The first time I drank Wards, I thought I'd been poisoned (and technically, I suppose I had.) 'Flock of Sparrows' followed by 'Chocolate Laser' for about 2 days! My gut was not used to that particular yeast. (I was re-introduced successfully a couple of months later and Wards was a pretty good beer.)


When I lived in Norfolk, I used to drink 'Norwich Ale' - but then production shifted to Manchester [AFAIK] (where the water is different) and it was rubbish.


'Ruddles County' used to be excellent, but it didn't travel and you couldn't buy it outside Rutland. Then the brewery changed it and you can buy a beer with the same name - but certainly not the same beer) almost anywhere.


The list of good beers is very long. The list of bad beers is rather shorter, but (IMO) it's more important to have a list of bad ones - and steer away from them - than to have a (very long) list of the good ones.


In the UK, Watney's Red Barrel was the worst I ever came across.


In Belgium, steer clear of Père Abbé. - Tastes OK, but half a litre gives me a splitting headache!


In the US, Buttwiper - in its various forms - is pretty awful, but if somebody offers you a Genessee, ask for tapwater. (I was camping in Michigan and left a coolbox (locked) on a table. A raccoon opened the box, took out a loaf of bread and ate most of it, took out a can of Millers, opened it and drank it (they do know how to open beercans - they're not stupid ;)) took out a can of Gennessee, opened it and left it. :hihi:

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I've shifted recently towards dark beers, I'm not a massive beer drinker, but there are a range of stouts and porters in the supermarkets at the moment that include some really nice ones.

The tesco's finest porter is actually pretty good. Youngs Double Chocolate Stout, Oyster Beer, Macays (Milk) Stout, all very tasty. I've noticed that the pub at the train station has a large range as well, I've only had chance to try one (an imperial porter) which I thought was too strong (12%, I had a half and it wasn't that pleasant).

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6? Not sure I have that many


1) Forst

2) Radeberger

3) Peroni

4) Heineken

5) Grolsch

6) Stones


Radeberger? Didn't think I'd see that on anyone's list - one of my favourites too, along with berliner Kindl. German lagers/pilsners in general are pretty hard to beat.


Also need to add... Thornbridge Kipling, Easy Rider & Riders of the Storm (Kelham Island) and Landlord.

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