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Why do razor blades go blunt?

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I tried the tesco triple blade disposable ones, and they are rubbish, they drag like hell.

However the gilette fusion blade im using is a lot better than them - and I have had this one particular blade since october....now thats value for money :D


I was trying to point out that not everything that's a bit pricey is a rip off...to me a rip off is something that costs a lot,that I'm forced to buy without an alternative and doesn't work well... :)

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My daughters used to occasional 'borrow' my razor without telling me, and the next day I would use it and cut my face to ribbons!!!!!!


If only I use it, I can make a new blade last me 6 months! Yes easily 6 months!!! So the price of the blades isn't really a concern for me, although they are flippin expensive! Oh and I do have to shave daily! (does this make me tight? :hihi:)


hope you did not get any curlies on your face


close to incest really tbh

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I just wondered why razor blades go blunt. They are made of steel and hair is made of...erm..hair.

So why do they lose their edge?

The atoms of the blade on the edge become dislodged during contact with your skin and the friction that you create I imagine.


Im sure I will be wrong, but have been told I was right in at least 1 topic this week already ! :D

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No idea. Probably not very much. How much does a kitchen knife cost to make and what's the mark-up?


You could always buy a re-sharpenable razor (A cut-throat or a Rolls) but you might end up spending a fair bit on sticky plasters.


How often do you buy razorblades? Do you buy razorblades as often as you buy a loaf of bread? I wonder how long razorblades sit around in warehouses and on shelves in shops before they sell? The owner of the goods while they are sitting around in a warehouse or in a shop isn't making any money by keeping them on the shelf.


If space wasn't a problem, then given that the effort in ordering one item is probably the same as the effort in ordering another, then if you could sell 500 loaves of bread at 50% mark-up per day or one pack of razorblades at 200% mark-up every 5 days, would you even bother to stock razorblades?


There are a number of shops which only sell bread. I haven't found one which only sells razorblades.





I think that you'd find that after you had had the required amount of laser treatment to destroy the follicles permanently, you might want a beard to hide the scars.


I grew a beard reading this tripe!

I don't much fancy shaving my chin with a loaf of Mothers Pride ta very much.

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I tried the tesco triple blade disposable ones, and they are rubbish, they drag like hell.

However the gilette fusion blade im using is a lot better than them - and I have had this one particular blade since october....now thats value for money :D


Same razors as me dear chap.

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