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Labour politician comes out and says, "What the hell were we thinking?"

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Byrne argues that escalating housing benefit costs lie at the root of the mushrooming welfare bill and much of this increase has been caused by profiteering private sector landlords.


"These private landlords currently receive a public subsidy to make enormous profit on properties often in a very poor state of repair. Why are we letting them get away with this?"




Who'd have thunk it!


Let me explain Labour loonies. When young TB came to power, before he started his war on Iraq and Afghanistan using our weapons of mass destruction, the labour party changed its policy. Previously there was a part of the labour party constitution know as CLAUSE IV;


To secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that may be possible upon the basis of the common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service.


Clause IV was removed!


It now reads;


The Labour Party is a democratic socialist party. It believes that by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone, so as to create for each of us the means to realise our true potential and for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many, not the few, where the rights we enjoy reflect the duties we owe, and where we live together, freely, in a spirit of solidarity, tolerance and respect.


However it should have read;


The labour party is full of career politicians whom wish to benefit themselves. It believes that by spouting crap in the media we would get more votes than if we were to tell the truth. If we tell enough of the right lies we will be able to put into place mechanisms which we can use as a close knit community in which power, wealth, land, education and opportunity are concentrated not in the hands of the many, but in the hands of us few (career politicians). Where housing benefit rights, benefit us as buy to let landlords, under the pretense that they benefit the claimant (i.e. you). Where these rights increase the duties the workers owe (i.e. inflation busting increases to rent YoY), so that we can live for free at the expense of the workers whilst having them maintain some absurd form of solidarity, tolerance and respect unto us few.


And that is why "Labour let them get away with it".


Now look at the state of your country. Your children are already homeless (unless they are fortunate enough to be living in an ex-council 3 bed semi B2L HMO), and your worrying about paying the mortgage(s) (even with record low interest rates).


Hope has gone out the window. When but a generation ago there was housing and jobs for all, and 2 generations ago there were also allotments for all that wanted them too, the public were told to dig for victory. Now, housing is in the hands of a few and the common man is denied the ability to grow food to support his family. Unemployment is at record levels, and the workers are being taken for a ride. Not just the British workers in our country, but even the foreign workers in our country, and even the foreign workers in other countries!


So in answer to the quote from the Guardian article;


"These private landlords currently receive a public subsidy to make enormous profit on properties often in a very poor state of repair. Why are we letting them get away with this?"


I think we damn well know why.

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I watched something on the news this morning about a couple living in a one bed flat in London, their child had to share their bedroom and her 16 year old sister slept on the sofa bed in the lounge. They can’t afford anything bigger despite both working and yet there are unemployed occupying large house and have no intension of working.

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I watched something on the news this morning about a couple living in a one bed flat in London, their child had to share their bedroom and her 16 year old sister slept on the sofa bed in the lounge. They can’t afford anything bigger despite both working and yet there are unemployed occupying large house and have no intension of working.



On Benefit -


Aye, multi million pound houses (£7,000 a month rent) that they would NEVER be able to afford if they lived in the real world. That's why the cap of £26,000 (£35,000 before tax) is long long overdue. Link http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1250993/Single-mum-finds-mansion-net-gets-YOU-pay-7-000-month-rent.html



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On Benefit -


Aye, multi million pound houses (£7,000 a month rent) that they would NEVER be able to afford if they lived in the real world. That's why the cap of £26,000 (£35,000 before tax) is long long overdue. Link http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1250993/Single-mum-finds-mansion-net-gets-YOU-pay-7-000-month-rent.html




The cap is a bit of a stupid one.


It would make more sense to set the cap at £3738 per person AFTER housing and council tax costs.


And then to construct social housing if it would work out cheaper than private rented. (This having the added bonus of making it financially rational for the claimant to return to work, without forcing up the cost of housing for local workers)

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On Benefit -


Aye, multi million pound houses (£7,000 a month rent) that they would NEVER be able to afford if they lived in the real world. That's why the cap of £26,000 (£35,000 before tax) is long long overdue. Link http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1250993/Single-mum-finds-mansion-net-gets-YOU-pay-7-000-month-rent.html




The influx of London housing refugees has already started.

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The influx of London housing refugees has already started.


If they're going to be unemployed and supported by the state, they may as well do so where the costs are lower.


Are they settling in Sheffield or stopping over on their way North?


Perhaps the idea is to get them all to move to Scotland - then 'grant' Scotland independence.:hihi:

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