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Is this lady irresponsible. ?

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But you would expect most people to belt a baby into a car in the same way you would yourself, but yet this lady didnt feel the need but a helmet on the little un.:confused:.


Are there, I wonder, any likely scenarios in which a helmetless baby would die but a one wearing a helmet would have lived?


In any fall, it's almost certainly going to die either way, so the wearing of a helmet might not actually be of any use. (That said, if I were ever inclined to do any helmet-required activity while carrying a baby, I would have given said baby a helmet without ever thinking about if it was necessary or not.)

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Rock climbing with baby onboard.



Quite funny that she says the baby doesn't need a helmet, though she wears one herself. :huh:


I wouldn't like to be hit in the face with the helmet, and I have fallen on several occasions and even with the safety equipment it still hurts when you bounce off the rock face.

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