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Is this lady irresponsible. ?

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I've actually seen worse, for example last year I saw a Youtube video of a very young baby being bitten by a fully grown Cobra, don't know why I clicked the video really, I was just watching random videos and found this one, it's too upsetting to find and post a link to IMO.

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I've actually seen worse, for example last year I saw a Youtube video of a very young baby being bitten by a fully grown Cobra, don't know why I clicked the video really, I was just watching random videos and found this one, it's too upsetting to find and post a link to IMO.


Didn't the kid go on to star in bollywood movies as snake boy ?



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Are there, I wonder, any likely scenarios in which a helmetless baby would die but a one wearing a helmet would have lived?


In any fall, it's almost certainly going to die either way, so the wearing of a helmet might not actually be of any use. (That said, if I were ever inclined to do any helmet-required activity while carrying a baby, I would have given said baby a helmet without ever thinking about if it was necessary or not.)


The helmet isn't just designed to protect you in a fall, it's designed to protect your head from falling rocks.


I do a bit of caving and mine exploration and also SRT roping and abseiling and we wear helmets. They're not going to do us much good if the roof collapses and ten tons of rock comes down, but they do protect us from knocking our heads on the low ceilings. Being 6 foot 4 I've been knocked to the ground more than once by a jagged low bit of ceiling.

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