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Cycle safe - will Sheffield people support it?


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cyclist should wear safety gear and follow the rules of the road. I ride a motorcycle if ride with no lights no lid swerve about changing lane with out indicating going through red lights i would expect to get a wooden over coat (coffin) and my mate would think i was a plank. Yet you lot seem to think it is everyone else is to blame :loopy:

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isnt the government going to make cyclist have a registration plate ?. i am sure i heard somewhere that they are, in which case the number of cyclist will nose dive anyway. 1 The govt didn't say that - some worthless/pointless/overpaid 'thinktank' (whatever they are) suggested this none starter!

if that happens though you know the next step? that will be making them pay a road tax. 2 You've probably heard this before but ... there is no such thing as Road Tax. It's a Vehicle Excise Duty which cyclists are exempt from as they are in the lowest group for emmisions.... that won't change

now if thats a minimum amount, like say the lowest cc mopeds why not?. 3 The lowest cc moped probably pumps a lot of emmisions out ... far more than a cyclist!

so making cyclist conform to wearing lets say a helmet and a hi vis jacket well thats bound to save lives in the long run.


4 To be honest I wear helmet and hi viz vest (I would even wear a hi viz helmet if I could aford one - £60!!!) and I do look at cyclists who don't wear them and think "Silly Cyclist!"

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The roads are currently in a sorry condition with all the pot wholes. Personally I wouldnt't risk getting on a bike in this city. You have to watch the ground and the car drivers with that many hazzards around. Also, as I car driver I see too many cyclists chancing it all the time. The don't seem to think the red light is for them too, or they weave infront and behind cars crawling along in traffic cues. They don't realise that they are in the car drivers major blind spots. That split second of checking your mirror and costing another few feet at the lights could result in a squashed cyclist or even a pedestrian.

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The roads are currently in a sorry condition with all the pot wholes. Personally I wouldnt't risk getting on a bike in this city. You have to watch the ground and the car drivers with that many hazzards around. Also, as I car driver I see too many cyclists chancing it all the time. The don't seem to think the red light is for them too, or they weave infront and behind cars crawling along in traffic cues. They don't realise that they are in the car drivers major blind spots. That split second of checking your mirror and costing another few feet at the lights could result in a squashed cyclist or even a pedestrian.


Funny ... I was going to post this to recomend people to registre pot holes.



It is a campaign run by the CTC (a cycling lobby/charity group) but the pot hole filling campaign is open to anyone to register problems.


Well worth it ...... I've registered 5 potholes this week and 3 of them have already been filled.

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cyclist should wear safety gear and follow the rules of the road. I ride a motorcycle if ride with no lights no lid swerve about changing lane with out indicating going through red lights i would expect to get a wooden over coat (coffin) and my mate would think i was a plank. Yet you lot seem to think it is everyone else is to blame :loopy:


totally agree mate

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There is no such thing as “road tax” it was replaced by vehicle excise duty (VED), which is based on emissions, this is why some low emission cars are exempt.


Therefore bicycles would also be exempt.


But don't vehicles that are exempt still have to display a tax disk and number plates?


3000 cyclist hurt last year! thats a lot


Most folk driving cars have had lessons and passed a driving test. Most cyclists haven't.

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Most folk driving cars have had lessons and passed a driving test. Most cyclists haven't.

You're gonna hate these statistics.

80% of cyclists have a full driving licence

The average cyclist is wealthier than the average Briton.

The average cyclist is better educated than the average Briton.




Anyway, enough of this silly point scoring - cycling in Amsterdam see if you can spot anyone with hi-viz or a helmet.

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