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What's up with my tv?

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Hi Folks, whilst I'm watching the box, my television just switches station for no apparant reason. My hands and the cats are no where near the remote control but still it just changes channel on it's own. Does anyone know what's the matter with it and approximately how much it would cost to repair please?

The make is UMC :blush: which is an erm, shall we say, lesser known brand but surely I should be the one that chooses which channel is on, not the tv ;)


Thought: I wonder if the tv has picked up on my user name?

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Perhaps one of your neighbors has a remote that operates on the same frequency.


I did wonder about that, but I don't think that's likely as I sometimes watch tv at odd times and it does this even in the small hours when I'm pretty sure the neighbours are out for the count. You never know though!

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I can tell you now it is down to the batteries going in the remote.


As batteries fail in TV remotes they can do peculiar things like switch channels, turn the volume up/down and even put it into stand by.


I have seen this with my own eyes, just get some new batteries and I bet it stops.

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I had a similar problem a few years ago, it turned out to be the energy saving bulb in my standard lamp affecting the infra-red detector on the tv.


If this only happens at night and you use an energy saving bulb, try replacing them.

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