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Aikido Martial Arts Newbie

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I have just completed my SIA Door Supervisors course.


Im looking to join a Martial Arts Club and been recommended to try Aikido by my SIA Trainer as he has done it. Ive had a quick look on youtube and can possibly see where it can be benificial to my job. I have been taught some physical intervention through my training but want to extend it further and think this will help. Also probs will help me to get back to my old fitness and maintain it.


Any help is appreciated.



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Aikido is a great martial art the uni club is run by scott allbright. I used to train under him and know he is great at what he does. I trained at there town club witch is in a buildin across from the devonshire cat pub and behind the skateing park in town.


If your looking for aikido training defo look him up at http://aikido.union.shef.ac.uk/


But if you really want training that will help you on the doors/streets i MUST recomend http://www.kapapsheffield.co.uk run by craig welsh there are a few bouncers that train here and i can honestly say this is the best martial arts club ive ever trained in.


Hope ive helped

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I can't see Kapap on the class times list. Has Craig stopped teaching it?


KAPAP, which means face to face combat uses moves from boxing, jui jitsu, bjj, kickboxing and loads more


All the classes at kapap sheffield are kapap broken down the kempo jui jitsu class is great for the doors craig teaches it but also incorparates the kapap military martial art system and senshido ( http://www.senshido.com )


Same wirh bjj class he also goes above and beond bjj adding kapap making it more usable in real life situations


Oh and craig has worked the doors himself in his younger years

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