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Faked Pallywood propaganda image exposed - be aware!

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When we see images like this, its hard to defend.




An IDF soldier holding down a Palestinian Arab child with his/her foot, assault rifle pointing at her head.


This is the version that mainly did the rounds;




The second image was more popular as the Israeli badge clearly looked a little suspect. See here - the internet is awash with the image; http://images.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&sa=G&q=israeli+soldiers+uniform&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSZxplCxCo1NgEGgQIAAgDDAsQsIynCBo8CjoIARIU-Qb4BvIG8QbnBvcG9gbmBugG6gYaIK-KubOti7k01j6t2Kum8orohFOr9Y1lgaGUDI5J9JdJDAsQjq7-CBoKCggIARIE8H49rQw&biw=1716&bih=941#q=israeli+soldiers+uniform&hl=en&safe=off&sa=G&tbs=simg:CAQSZxplCxCo1NgEGgQIAAgDDAsQsIynCBo8CjoIARIU-Qb4BvIG8QbnBvcG9gbmBugG6gYaIK-KubOti7k01j6t2Kum8orohFOr9Y1lgaGUDI5J9JdJDAsQjq7-CBoKCggIARIE8H49rQw&tbm=isch&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=1&biw=1280&bih=861 - from that link click on any image and you'll likely land on pages that were taken in by the image, eg; http://eaglesofbrasstacks.blogspot.com/2011/06/eob-stop-killing-us-report-on-killing.html


Israel of zionism is continously killing brutually in philinstine, And these coward zionist not even forgive womens and childeren






The soldier in the photo appears to be pointing an AK47 or AK74 - which are not used by the Israeli army, but used often by the Palestinian police forces and terror organizations. The IDF is known for using M16 and M4 weapons, and its uniforms are different from the soldier's uniform that appears on the photo.


The Israeli Governmental Advertising Agency told "Tazpit" earlier today: "the photo has been checked by the IDF Spokesperson and after investigating, it seems that the photo is not authentic and that the soldier is not Israeli. Unfortunately, the use of such photos is a known method, trying to harm Israel's image on the internet and is part of the social networks war of information".


Classic Pallywood street theatre.


You may come across this 'correction' in the coming days; https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/408974_314894471881160_123657684338174_797441_408222375_n.jpg

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No doubt this is fake, no doubt you could find Israeli fake propaganda pictures also on the net.


Can't we start a topic just about propaganda in general?


Can you blame people for being creative ? If your out gunned you will use stones or pictures , its all the same, its all born out of desperation I imagine.

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its libel and its been used against the Jews for centuries. I'm just doing a public service - not everyone is as clued-up as yourself and they do take these things on face value - look at the google results and all the blogs and news agencies that were taken in.


My thread is about this - you're perfectly free to start a general propaganda thread if you so wish.

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It may be used as propaganda ... by both sides.

One saying "nasty Israelis", the other saying "lying Palestinians".


The reality would appear to be that the only "staging" element arises as it was part of a street theatre presentation in Bahrain.

Actors playing Israelis & Arab children. Nothing more.


But then the photo gets used by all and sundry for their own purposes, while the lazy, gullible masses just lap it up.

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It may be used as propaganda ... by both sides.

One saying "nasty Israelis", the other saying "lying Palestinians".


The reality would appear to be that the only "staging" element arises as it was part of a street theatre presentation in Bahrain.

Actors playing Israelis & Arab children. Nothing more.


But then the photo gets used by all and sundry for their own purposes, while the lazy, gullible masses just lap it up.

I agree, there's nothing saying that this was ever intended to be part of any propaganda, its just been seen in the wrong context by people either not understanding what was going off in the picture or by those who wish to show how they are being wrongly persecuted in the media.


Had this been a real fake propaganda picture I am sure they would have got the uniform ect right and not had a load of standers-by seemingly not interested in a soldier with his boot on a child's chest.


What is striking is just how this picture is still being used for propaganda purposes, as we speak, with this very topic ! :D

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The reality would appear to be that the only "staging" element arises as it was part of a street theatre presentation in Bahrain.

Actors playing Israelis & Arab children. Nothing more.


Thanks, yes, i have just read that myself.

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I agree, there's nothing saying that this was ever intended to be part of any propaganda, its just been seen in the wrong context by people either not understanding what was going off in the picture or by those who wish to show how they are being wrongly persecuted in the media.


Had this been a real fake propaganda picture I am sure they would have got the uniform ect right and not had a load of standers-by seemingly not interested in a soldier with his boot on a child's chest.


What is striking is just how this picture is still being used for propaganda purposes, as we speak, with this very topic ! :D


So exposing propaganda is still propaganda? Maybe nobody should ever speak up about anything, ever. Is that how you think it should work?

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no doubt you could find Israeli fake propaganda pictures also on the net.



if it's that easy, then why don't you do just that. I could quite easily find another 10 examples of Pallywood and Hezbullahwood examples not already posted above in about twenty minutes and post them here. An essential part of the terrorists' armoury is to find 'useful idiot' dupes like you in the west that are ready to fall their stage-managed nonsense. Does it feel good to feel needed?

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Had this been a real fake propaganda picture I am sure they would have got the uniform ect right and not had a load of standers-by seemingly not interested in a soldier with his boot on a child's chest.




you don't realize how bad they are. There's been so many cases of people complaining about various abuses at the hands of Israeli soldiers and then been caught out when they give descriptions to reporters, getting basic details about their uniforms wrong, like they wear Stars of Davids on their helmets, when they don't, in real life - only in the antisemitic Arab cartoons and movie depictions that flood the Arab world day after day after day.

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