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Our Representatives In Parliament.

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They wont have to follow the party whip....


and? that still doesn't mean they will pay any attention to their constituants.


Ill bet my bottom dollar, your Independent MP wouldnt have done that. Thats the kind of vote your electorate remembers and chucks you out next time for.


If he had any sense then he too would have followed the rest of the MPs. Whether we like it or not we are in the EEC, but that's an argument for another day :)


What makes you think your Independent would want to serve more than one term? Part of our problem is the "career politician" who knows and can do nothing else.


Whats our alternative Andy? Vote one of the parties again......


The alternative is to join whichever of three parties fits your political views, get activly involved and make sure you select a better calibre candidate

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Then the choice is UKIP.... whom i fear will be in the next coalition government...


I doubt it, Nigel Farage bounces up and down like Zebedee on acid whittering on about the EU, but in reality no one actually cares about it. On the other stuff which people do care about and which people make choices about votes on then UKIPs policies are more barking than the neo-lib-con stuff you get from the tories loony right.

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I know, but I thought I would mention it, I’m not sure if a standing MP can change from independent to a party, maybe someone with a bit more knowledge will know.


Oswald Moseley was elected as a Conservative MP, became independent, joined Labour, stood for Labour and lost, stood for Labour and won, became a fascist, got interned..... So he started bonkers and went even more bonkers at the end. Since him a lot of MPs have changed parties, been expelled from them, become independent (I think Clare Short may have been the last) so it's not uncommon.

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My own thoughts are that ive voted all 3 parties over the years, and once in Government, their manifestos are not adhered to. Im looking for an alternative, and in a very small way, i would like to see a good few independent MPs come through on the next election.

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Vote for a party that wants out of Europe.


The problem with Europhobes is that they don't realise that it's only an obsession to them. Just about everyone else votes according to their economic situation. Europhobes just don't get that most people have other prioroties. The lack of UKIP MPs should be enough to make them realise this but clearly it doesn't.

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