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Large greyhound coat needed please


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mines x racing dog and retired 6 months ago when we got him, thankyou but i think its a bad idea with rope, didnt really think/realise the spead he can pick up so what ever hes on he will pull my arm off and poss get off.....but thankyou :)


Mine have always been ex-racers, and they are a different kettle of fish aren't they? As you've said you're learning about ex-racers, you might find the Greyhound Gap Forum useful? When I got my first one it was an absolute goldmine of information, and I certainly found that no question was too daft. There are loads of really experienced greyhound owners there


I'd also recommend the book "retired greyhounds for dummies". I have a very well-thumbed version that I go back to as each new hound throws us their new and imaginative issues :) To answer your original question (finally!) Ebay is a really good source of well-priced greyhound kit. I've had collars, muzzles and coats from there.


(Moderators - I hope that recommending another forum is ok with Sheffield Forum rules? It's a pretty specialist forum so I don't think it competes with SF)

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Some bargain coats in the Greyhound Gap online auction at the moment. See : http://greyhoundgap.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=animal

You might need to join the forum to bid but good value for money and donating to a great charity all in one. Good greyhound info and advice on there for new owners. Although there's lots of greyhoundy people on here aswell. :)

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Get on ebay - you will find a good coat, or look on any of the greyhound rescue websites - they sell brilliant coats - and the funds go to help other greyhounds.


We have an enclosed field - only 4' high fencing but it does stop the majority of dogs - and we havne't had one jump out. If you can arrange it at a time to come over ok - you can always let him have a run off at our place. its brilliant to see dogs have a good run and thats why its great here. We are S66 though - so not easy for you.

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Get on ebay - you will find a good coat, or look on any of the greyhound rescue websites - they sell brilliant coats - and the funds go to help other greyhounds.


We have an enclosed field - only 4' high fencing but it does stop the majority of dogs - and we havne't had one jump out. If you can arrange it at a time to come over ok - you can always let him have a run off at our place. its brilliant to see dogs have a good run and thats why its great here. We are S66 though - so not easy for you.


hi there thankyou thats very kind but yes too far im affaird, my mums s66 and its a 30-40 min run in car, will have 2 kids and 2 dogs so not ideal and couldnt stop off at hers as shes in a flat with 2 cats and wouldnt wanna leave dogs in car.

that is very very nice of you and thankyou very much

regarding coat was wanting to nip out and get one today (should of said really) with temp dropping so low he realy does need one asap

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Where abouts are you? Someone might know of an enclosed area close by you?


I have a lurcher and I do have a long lead for her but only let it out a few feet so we can clear rocky paths safely etc and always take up the slack, I could never let her loose on it, one of us would get hurt!


Edit - you can get coats from pets at home if there's one near you. I've got one from there which is double layer, waterproof with a removable fleece liner which you can take out for summer showers, with a reflective band round. It's pretty good and they come in big sizes although they aren't tailored to sighthounds so look at bit odd on but does the job!

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Where abouts are you? Someone might know of an enclosed area close by you?


I have a lurcher and I do have a long lead for her but only let it out a few feet so we can clear rocky paths safely etc and always take up the slack, I could never let her loose on it, one of us would get hurt!


im in dronfield

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The RGT sell them, sizes vary as do colours, they're £15 and an absolute bargain! I called up for one b4 Xmas, they have someone up at the farm from about 7am but if you called them I'm sure they would organise for one to be taken down to the track one evening

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