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Any other women embarrassed by this?

are you offended by cartoon of a woman in a bikini on a beer tap in mp bar  

132 members have voted

  1. 1. are you offended by cartoon of a woman in a bikini on a beer tap in mp bar

    • I am a man and think its offensive
    • I am a woman and think its offensive
    • I am a man and this isn't offensive
    • I am a woman and this isn't offensive

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'Her' being?


No, we need less people like you trotting out the usual predictable rubbish. There is nothing new in people belittling feminism as those who support it, however, you would have thought that we would have moved on from the same kind of nonsense that the suffragettes were subjected to 100 years ago. Having seen the image, I can totally see why it is inappropriate, as is the name.


I'm not saying the principle is wrong, just that feminism would achieve a lot more is it was run by men.


It's highly shameful that Kate Green thinks it appropriate to give over Parliamentary time for a debate on the matter, when there isn't even enough time during the Parliamentary year to get through the full legislative programme.


Agreed, I'm sure there are more important things she could do.

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Its so so counter productive as well.


In order to win an argument, to get people on your side, they have to have some empathy..


This sort of think just brings ridicule and puts people's backs up.


That's the way it is and no amount of marches, pseudo intellectual clap trap and aggression will change things.


Feminists need to come across as less frenzied and self righteous or they'll never really change the way the mainstream thinks. So in effect they are the authors of their own downfall.


They need a Max Clifford type person to try and make them more publicity aware..


This post is 90% insults.


Let's see some real arguments, eh?


If a majority of posters on here don't find top totty beer offensive, that's their prerogative. But their opinion doesn't alter the fact that Kate Green and whoever brought it to her attention find it offensive and inappropriate in a workplace environment.


Caitlin Moran said on twitter earlier today: 'It's like a beer called "The Supplicant Picaninny."'


And Louise Mensch pointed out that the whole issue took up approximately 2 minutes of Parliamentary time and that everyone who had spent the whole morning tweeting to her about what a waste of time it was had expended far more of their own.

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This post is 90% insults.


Let's see some real arguments, eh?


If a majority of posters on here don't find top totty beer offensive, that's their prerogative. But their opinion doesn't alter the fact that Kate Green and whoever brought it to her attention find it offensive and inappropriate in a workplace environment.


Caitlin Moran said on twitter earlier today: 'It's like a beer called "The Supplicant Picaninny."'


And Louise Mensch pointed out that the whole issue took up approximately 2 minutes of Parliamentary time and that everyone who had spent the whole morning tweeting to her about what a waste of time it was had expended far more of their own.


Its nothing to get angry about. Its not important. I'm sure there are examples of men being used in this way...



I think it is counter productive and looses the feminist movement credibility. Without getting other women, and men in general, on your side you'll spend your entire life in a rage about things that nobody else is interested in. Then you'll look back and realise you've achieved nothing, really...

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Its nothing to get angry about. Its not important. I'm sure there are examples of men being used in this way...



I think it is counter productive and looses the feminist movement credibility. Without getting other women, and men in general, on your side you'll spend your entire life in a rage about things that nobody else is interested in. Then you'll look back and realise you've achieved nothing, really...


I spend most of my time in the real world around people for whom this stuff is basic level human decency. I don't have to spend my time in a rage, because it's all taken as read that what I call out as sexist on here is, indeed, sexist.


I honestly don't why I bother trying to argue about it on here, except out of a vague sense that there are thousands of people who read these boards who might like their reading material enlivened with a view that comes from somewhere north of the 1950s. It's my last remaining shred of idealism.

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I spend most of my time in the real world around people for whom this stuff is basic level human decency. I don't have to spend my time in a rage, because it's all taken as read that what I call out as sexist on here is, indeed, sexist.


I honestly don't why I bother trying to argue about it on here, except out of a vague sense that there are thousands of people who read these boards who might like their reading material enlivened with a view that comes from somewhere north of the 1950s. It's my last remaining shred of idealism.


Well that kind of proves my point. Nobody cares. Feminism has taken its eye off the ball and gets bogged down in insignificant issues that are laughable to the vast majority of the population..

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As for the Diet Coke advert. We've BEEN OVER THIS.


I pointed out the last time someone posted it that this advert is famous because it parodies and undermines the usual way round these things go. That is the only reason anyone still remembers it - because it was a surprise to see a load of women dribbling with lust over a topless man rather than the other way round.

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