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Any other women embarrassed by this?

are you offended by cartoon of a woman in a bikini on a beer tap in mp bar  

132 members have voted

  1. 1. are you offended by cartoon of a woman in a bikini on a beer tap in mp bar

    • I am a man and think its offensive
    • I am a woman and think its offensive
    • I am a man and this isn't offensive
    • I am a woman and this isn't offensive

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I've spoken out in favour of feminists on the Sharia Law thread and the way Muslim women are treated.


Can I ask you why you haven't posted one thing on that thread when its a real issue, one which takes some courage and is as important an issue as possible, for the feminist cause?


These are the real issues feminists should be actively seeking to tackle. Not ridiculous minor none entities like a bottle of beer.


Can I ask you again why you have not been involved in that debate?


Shouldn't you be supporting some of the others on there who are taking a battering.


I don't believe you're ignorant to what's happening. I'm a bigger feminist than you then when it comes to the important isses. Don't worry I'll fight your corner for you..


Jessica23 can clearly hold her own, but I think this wholly unfair, Frank.


So what if she hasn't taken part in that thread? It doesn't make her any less or you any more of a feminist. I haven't contributed to it either because I don't feel I could add anything of substance to the debate. My knowledge thus far of women within Islam is confined to a few books I've read by female Muslim authors, and my grasp on Sharia Law in particular is limited still. Hence, posting on that thread would basically consist of me agreeing with points raised and not much more. Sure, I could do that but I'd prefer to just follow the debate (which I am doing) until I felt I could make a worthwhile contribution to further the discussion, and there's nothing wrong with that.


Yes, there are other matters within feminism to be tackled, there are many, but it's not for anyone to say what issues someone else should or should not actively address when they perhaps don't feel qualified to do so.


Now to keep on topic, I personally don't take much issue with the beer. The insults, however, made about the MP for her opinion are what I find worse.

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Jessica23 can clearly hold her own, but I think this wholly unfair, Frank.


So what if she hasn't taken part in that thread? It doesn't make her any less or you any more of a feminist. I haven't contributed to it either because I don't feel I could add anything of substance to the debate. My knowledge thus far of women within Islam is confined to a few books I've read by female Muslim authors, and my grasp on Sharia Law in particular is limited still. Hence, posting on that thread would basically consist of me agreeing with points raised and not much more. Sure, I could do that but I'd prefer to just follow the debate (which I am doing) until I felt I could make a worthwhile contribution to further the discussion, and there's nothing wrong with that.


Yes, there are other matters within feminism to be tackled, there are many, but it's not for anyone to say what issues someone else should or should not actively address when they perhaps don't feel qualified to do so.


Now to keep on topic, I personally don't take much issue with the beer. The insults, however, made about the MP for her opinion are what I find worse.


Absolutely spot on, as always Jen! You are one of my favourite posters on this board and I was delighted to see Jess and Ruby on here too. You three are in a minority of women on here, for whom I hold a great deal of admiration and respect. Furthermore, unlike many, you don't consider feminism to be a battle that has been won.


I take issue with the fact that Jessica is somehow a lesser feminist for not getting embroiled in another debate. I pick and choose the threads that I contribute carefully and try and restrict my posting to issues that I not only feel passionately about, but have some knowledge of. Some would accuse me of not knowing anything about Sharia, but I know enough to know that I don't like what I see in its treatment of women. Besides, there's a finite number of threads anyone can contribute to in any meaningful way and a danger of spreading oneself too thin.

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Don't you think it detracts from the real issues and feminists are tainted by a few bunny boilers who will get upset about anything? It just brings ridicule..IMO..


I agree, it just reinforces some of the views certain men have about women-that they get upset over nothing!

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Ridicule happens whenever feminists speak up about anything. It makes literally no difference whether it's about top totty beer or rape statistics.


Once people have decided that feminism isn't their thing, they pile on with the insults: we're crazed ('bunny boilers'), unattractive ('not Heidi Klum') and all the rest of it. Boring, predictable and the quickest way to demonstrate that the person dishing out the insults has probably not bothered to think about it in any depth.


I am definitely a bit of a feminist, some things are worth fighting against, other things aren't. I think most people only get angry when "feminists" get arsey about pointless none issues like this-they have a point!

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I think you just proved Jessica23's point for her. :rolleyes:We have no idea whether she personally was offended or not from the article, it's clear that it was reported to her as being offensive to someone. The gender of the complainant was not mentioned.


Well thats wrong, she said she was "disturbed" by it.

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Quite. I have been called a manhater, a lezzer (used as an insult as I find nothing remotely insulting about being a lesbian but that was not the intent), fat, hairy, ugly, jealous, harridan, neurotic, extreme, loony, sexually repressed . . . the list is endless. Thankfully our forebears were prepared to fight and die for our cause from which we are reaping the rewards. A lot of women seem to conveniently forget this. We still have a long way to go though.


It's laughable and just makes me dig my heels in even further.


Which is why you get annoyed by none issues, in my opinion reinforcing the bad name of feminism.

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Of course I live in the real world. I just choose to populate my corner of it with people who have broadly similar views to me.


And even on the more important issues, the threads about the slutwalk and rape and the like, you'll still be there, telling me how unattractive and mad and out of touch feminists are.


I think you have just shown your ignorance. Because he thinks that a cartoon of a woman is not something to get upset about he must love rape. That must mean I love it too.:loopy:

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I think you have just shown your ignorance. Because he thinks that a cartoon of a woman is not something to get upset about he must love rape. That must mean I love it too.:loopy:


Disclaimer: that exageration was on purpose to highlight why you shouldn't have exagerated!

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