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Any other women embarrassed by this?

are you offended by cartoon of a woman in a bikini on a beer tap in mp bar  

132 members have voted

  1. 1. are you offended by cartoon of a woman in a bikini on a beer tap in mp bar

    • I am a man and think its offensive
    • I am a woman and think its offensive
    • I am a man and this isn't offensive
    • I am a woman and this isn't offensive

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Feminism will never earn the respect it deserves because, well, the feminists, have blown it. They had a great opportunity to become a worthwhile pressure group but now they're just figures of fun, caricatures of themselves. This is for the simple reason that they alienate people and frequently sign up to ridiculous campaigns, like the cartoon on a bottle or Slutwalk.


Only by people like yourself who think that Sharia is the only worthwhile cause and believe that a woman who wears a short skirt is putting herself at risk and, therefore, somehow partly responsible if she is raped.


Some feminists are like petulant children, wanting attention. Every now and again they'll let out a sigh and stomp about. They'll say, and do, anything to try and irritate men. No amount of crying injustice actually means there's been an injustice.



What rot. Some posters on here go out of their way to wind up other posters, now that is childish.


Feminists are always referring to the scribblings of other like minded people as though this is some kind of evidence of what they're claiming. Its not, you've just wasted 2.99 on the book and a good few hours of your life. As one of the feminists on here has claimed, she doesn't really mix with people with different opinions. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is more evident than that.



So now you're denigrating feminist theory, studying, reading it or the desire for autodidactism? Not to mention referring to feminist writing as 'scribblings'.


Then when you challenge some feminists on an important issue like Sharia Law, for an opinion, and its effects on women, they claim to be ignorant of the subject and can't comment. This excuse is a betrayal of the women who are genuinely suffering. Shame on you, you're cowards. Some of you need to step up to the plate and either shut up or put up.


Of course the real reason for this denial is nothing to do with ignorance. Its to do with political posturing. These Cherry Picking Feminists won't get involved in subjects like Sharia Law because it will rankle with their left leaning outlook. To get one of these people to be critical of a minority group, even for a factual reason, where there is genuine injustice, is like trying to get them to voluntarily drag their nails down a blackboard.



It would be great to support every cause and get involved with every thread, but some of us do have other commitments and can't be on here 24/7.


I think that you will find that most people gravitate towards like minded people, such is the way of the world.


No doubt there are some relevant feminists but they are engulfed by the mountain of chaff. Some women can be, and in regards to feminism, are, their own worst enemies.


Feminism, is dead. The post mortem has shown the cause of death to be suicide. :D


With people like you around, feminism will never be dead as it will always be needed. Feminism will only die when patriarchy does.

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It would be great to support every cause and get involved with every thread, but some of us do have other commitments and can't be on here 24/7.


Are you sure you've never been critical of feminists backing away from the Sharia debate? If you haven't then I recommend you do. Its a subject that needs more hands to the pump....

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Are you sure you've never been critical of feminists backing away from the Sharia debate?


I've been critical of people who are normally liberal minded for either supporting cultural relativism and not condemning it, yes. I don't ever recall being critical of anyone for not getting involved in the debate.

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What has it achieved? The inappropriate beer tap was swiftly removed. The ensuing brouhaha has highlighted how much misogyny is still present.
Actually, you can label it misogyny, but all that has been highlighted is how much most normal people look upon sexism complainers with scorn.
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[...] Feminists are always referring to the scribblings of other like minded people as though this is some kind of evidence of what they're claiming. Its not, you've just wasted 2.99 on the book and a good few hours of your life. As one of the feminists on here has claimed, she doesn't really mix with people with different opinions. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is more evident than that.


Oh, Frank. £2.99 and a few hours of my life? Try nearly a decade's higher education and tens of thousands of pounds. And when I said I spend my time with people who are like-minded, I meant my friends. Obviously I've spent years working in pubs, bars, shops and offices all over the country where I've mixed with people of very varying opinions, Including the more challenging end of the spectrum - racists, homophobes and outright misogynists. You can't move for them in some places.


Then when you challenge some feminists on an important issue like Sharia Law, for an opinion, and its effects on women, they claim to be ignorant of the subject and can't comment. This excuse is a betrayal of the women who are genuinely suffering. Shame on you, you're cowards. Some of you need to step up to the plate and either shut up or put up.


But you didn't challenge me for an opinion on it. You asked me why I hadn't joined in the debate on here about it, and I gave you the courtesy of an answer that you really didn't deserve.


I also said this, which you seem to have conveniently forgotten:


[...] It goes without saying that I'm against female circumcision, 'honour' killings and restrictions of women's rights wherever they happen to take place in the world and under whatever religious or cultural umbrellas, doesn't it?


As for cowardice, excuse me if I don't take that seriously coming from someone who's written a long post clearly aimed at me without having the nerve to address me directly.


Feminism, is dead. The post mortem has shown the cause of death to be suicide. :D


Actually, it's not. Feminism is alive and well and active.

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I've addressed all these points elewhere in the thread and haven't the time nor inclination to reiterate them.


I have neither the time nor the inclination to trawl through the thread to look for them.

I've no doubt their subjective and lacking in any real basis anyway, the entire topic and by extension is a big waste of time, hence why I've only looked at it in bits.

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You spent 10 years studying feminism, and all that education helped you conclude that cartoon women on beer taps are offensive to women?


Oh, you lot and your cheap point-scoring and inability to read. I haven't said that.


This is what I said (how many times have I posted it now? Three? Four?)


It's one tiny incident in an overwhelmingly sexist culture. There certainly are better things to get upset about, but on the plus side, that one is easily dealt with.
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