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Any other women embarrassed by this?

are you offended by cartoon of a woman in a bikini on a beer tap in mp bar  

132 members have voted

  1. 1. are you offended by cartoon of a woman in a bikini on a beer tap in mp bar

    • I am a man and think its offensive
    • I am a woman and think its offensive
    • I am a man and this isn't offensive
    • I am a woman and this isn't offensive

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I have at least presented reasoned arguments and supported my views with theories, rather than insulting anyone who disagrees with me. Some people on here haven't the first clue about how to conduct proper debate, all they do is throw insults around and make references to Doc Martens, boiler suits, women having issues with men and needing to 'get laid' which is SO hackneyed as well as proof of incredibly lazy thinking at best or at worst, very bad trolling.


That's the point I think. Its difficult to spend any time compiling "theories" as to why your talking nonesense because its just not worth the effort.


You wouldn't change your opinion. I won't change mine with whatever evidence you provide, because the evidence is always from someone who agrees with the person providing the link. Unless its factual, of course.


This is a more general point about some posters who do this. Its just a waste of time someone who has strong pro feminist views providing links to another pro feminists.


A good education and the ability to write well composed posts is not evidence of intellingence. Evidently...

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That's the point I think. Its difficult to spend any time compiling "theories" as to why your talking nonesense because its just not worth the effort.


You wouldn't change your opinion. I won't change mine with whatever evidence you provide, because the evidence is always from someone who agrees with the person providing the link. Unless its factual, of course.


This is a more general point about some posters who do this. Its just a waste of time someone who has strong pro feminist views providing links to another pro feminists.


A good education and the ability to write well composed posts is not evidence of intellingence. Evidently...


My bold - then heaven help the poor souls who are incapable of providing a thought out argument and compose semi-coherent and/or literate posts and resort to personal insults, regardless of what their educational background is.


So on top of all the other insults you've been liberally throwing about (in addition to laziness about 'compiling theories' which is a poor excuse for 'I can't say why I think that this is not sexist') you're now insulting certain posters' intelligence. Way to go! Providing well written commentaries and blogs is far more edifying than linking to endless DM articles, in my unintelligent and ill informed view.

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My views on feminism:


Women should be paid equally for an equal job.


They should be treated equally and have their opinions and ideas treated equally.


Retirement age should be equal or womens should be higher as we tend to live longer


Car insurance should be lower for women if we are statistically less likely to require a pay out


There are reasons why statistically average womens wages are lower and why they don't reach as high in their professions-lots of them take 9 months off to have children. Therefore average statistics should not be used to compare them with men (maybe average wages for women that don't have months off to raise children should be compared with the same for men). This goes under being treated equally in a way!

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My bold - then heaven help the poor souls who are incapable of providing a thought out argument and compose semi-coherent and/or literate posts and resort to personal insults, regardless of what their educational background is.


So on top of all the other insults you've been liberally throwing about (in addition to laziness about 'compiling theories' which is a poor excuse for 'I can't say why I think that this is not sexist') you're now insulting certain posters' intelligence. Way to go! Providing well written commentaries and blogs is far more edifying than linking to endless DM articles, in my unintelligent and ill informed view.


some more insults:(

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Here's a good blog about this issue, which raises other issues.


I've been trying to point out that all these type of issues are bad for feminism. Which they have been. Ignoring both sides of the argument, it has been bad publicity. I appreciate some of you feminists like to impress each other by the amount of outrage you can display, but without more widespread support feminism will never become more than a fringe pressure group.


It only has the influence it does because some women in power have the same ideology. These are generally over educated left leaning types. Some men are in the position that they have to agree or like anyone, who is critical of Islam or Homosexuality, its goodbye to career. Feminism has bullied its way to influence.


This is evident reading yours and the others posts. Anyone man who disagrees is either a potential rapist or if its a woman she doesn't agree because she doesn't understand the issues.


However, respect to you. You do have the courage to stand up and be counted in the important debates, unlike some other p/t feminists.


A good example of how biased you have become in your mission is that you will give me no credit for supporting women in issues like Sharia, the damage the Porn industry does and the pressures on young women to have cosmetic surgery.


I support feminists in the real issues. Unlike some who play at it...

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My views on feminism:


Women should be paid equally for an equal job.


They should be treated equally and have their opinions and ideas treated equally.


Retirement age should be equal or womens should be higher as we tend to live longer


Car insurance should be lower for women if we are statistically less likely to require a pay out


There are reasons why statistically average womens wages are lower and why they don't reach as high in their professions-lots of them take 9 months off to have children. Therefore average statistics should not be used to compare them with men (maybe average wages for women that don't have months off to raise children should be compared with the same for men). This goes under being treated equally in a way!


I agree with all of the above. Clearly on this thread, the women's views (those who think that the image is sexist) have not been treated equally as the handful of men who have said as such. Anyway . . .


I don't know how the average salaries are calculated, to be honest, is it done on the basis of a lifetime earnings?


some more insults:(


It was a veiled attack on me and Jessica:


A good education and the ability to write well composed posts is not evidence of intellingence. Evidently... Apparently, we're not intellingent (sic).:hihi:

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I've been trying to point out that all these type of issues are bad for feminism. Which they have been. Ignoring both sides of the argument, it has been bad publicity. I appreciate some of you feminists like to impress each other by the amount of outrage you can display, but without more widespread support feminism will never become more than a fringe pressure group.


It only has the influence it does because some women in power have the same ideology. These are generally over educated left leaning types. Some men are in the position that they have to agree or like anyone, who is critical of Islam or Homosexuality, its goodbye to career. Feminism has bullied its way to influence.


This is evident reading yours and the others posts. Anyone man who disagrees is either a potential rapist or if its a woman she doesn't agree because she doesn't understand the issues.


However, respect to you. You do have the courage to stand up and be counted in the important debates, unlike some other p/t feminists.


A good example of how biased you have become in your mission is that you will give me no credit for supporting women in issues like Sharia, the damage the Porn industry does and the pressures on young women to have cosmetic surgery.I support feminists in the real issues. Unlike some who play at it...


So now we have to praise men and pat them on the back for not being sexist misogynistic pigs?! Should I also thank my husband for not being a wife batterer?

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My bold - then heaven help the poor souls who are incapable of providing a thought out argument and compose semi-coherent and/or literate posts and resort to personal insults, regardless of what their educational background is.


So on top of all the other insults you've been liberally throwing about (in addition to laziness about 'compiling theories' which is a poor excuse for 'I can't say why I think that this is not sexist') you're now insulting certain posters' intelligence. Way to go! Providing well written commentaries and blogs is far more edifying than linking to endless DM articles, in my unintelligent and ill informed view.


You've not been concentrating on what I do then. Which is to link to issues that will cause debate, a bit of controversy or an issue I know will rile some. This is in the attempt to try and stir up a bit of passion. It leads to a better debate...Its less boring...The issues that result in the best threads usually are a little controversial and the Daily Mail is a red rag to a bull, to some...:D

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