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Chris Huhne speeding charges/resignation etc

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It's lying to the police, a serious charge, Aitken and Archer went to prison for it.


Don't tell your missus anything if there's a chance of a messy break up later.


If he's found guilty, he's looking at a stretch inside. Judges take a hard line against people who pervert the course of justsice.

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Be honest are you REALLY surprised about any politician telling lies:gag:he is like all the rest just another hypocrite,do you remember when he was fighting his seat at the election he put out leaflets saying how happy he was being married and having a lovely family,while all the time he was being (busy) with his mistress the bi sexual tranny:hihi::hihi:you couldn't make it up.

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It's lying to the police, a serious charge, Aitken and Archer went to prison for it.


Don't tell your missus anything if there's a chance of a messy break up later.


They went to prison for perjury which is quite different to lying to the police-and if you malign these two characters you are in breach of libel laws.

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  • 1 year later...

Me and my wife have never had any motoring penalties, but the people I know that have regularly swap their points with their spouses.


I used to frown on this behaviour, but on reflection I think it could be argued that it is morally okay for spouses to share points if one of them is the designated driver.

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