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Chris Huhne speeding charges/resignation etc

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Its hardly an offence of Jimmy Savile proportions is it? I'm not agreeing with what he did, but all this fuss is because he's who is is. I bet 50% of speeding fines/points have been taken by another member of the family. Lets face it, if you're up to 6pts like I once was, another 3pts is really going to hammer your insurance, not that I have ever got anyone else to take my points. The best thing has been the Speed Awareness courses, they are invaluable and a wake up call.

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Its hardly an offence of Jimmy Savile proportions is it? I'm not agreeing with what he did, but all this fuss is because he's who is is. I bet 50% of speeding fines/points have been taken by another member of the family. Lets face it, if you're up to 6pts like I once was, another 3pts is really going to hammer your insurance, not that I have ever got anyone else to take my points. The best thing has been the Speed Awareness courses, they are invaluable and a wake up call.


I don't think that anybody is suggesting a "Jimmy Savile" proportionate punishment.

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I'd be most surprised if he didn't get a spell in clink for that. Also, I'm confused if he pleaded guilty, then how come his ex is still asserting a not guilty plea?...Not sure how that works!


Not guilty by reason of marital coercion.

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Is that a valid reason? I have no idea. Do you know that to be fact?...or just surmising?


Just asking, cos I don't know!


Criminal justice act 1925, s47


"Any presumption of law that an offence committed by a wife in the presence of her husband is committed under the coercion of the husband is hereby abolished, but on a charge against a wife for any offence other than treason or murder it shall be a good defence to prove that the offence was committed in the presence of, and under the coercion of, the husband."


One of the few cases where you are guilty until you can prove innocence though.

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Criminal justice act 1925, s47


"Any presumption of law that an offence committed by a wife in the presence of her husband is committed under the coercion of the husband is hereby abolished, but on a charge against a wife for any offence other than treason or murder it shall be a good defence to prove that the offence was committed in the presence of, and under the coercion of, the husband."


One of the few cases where you are guilty until you can prove innocence though.


This should prove interesting if the Gay marriage bill comes in..who will be the wife and who will be the husband? Will this law have to be changed?

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Its hardly an offence of Jimmy Savile proportions is it? I'm not agreeing with what he did, but all this fuss is because he's who is is. I bet 50% of speeding fines/points have been taken by another member of the family. Lets face it, if you're up to 6pts like I once was, another 3pts is really going to hammer your insurance, not that I have ever got anyone else to take my points. The best thing has been the Speed Awareness courses, they are invaluable and a wake up call.


Not because of who he is but what he is.


He's an MP, an elected public official who should know better and set an example.


Not only did he commit an offence 10 years ago and persuade someone else to take the blame for it but when the deception came to light he spent 18 months protesting his innocence to anyone who would listen.


He resigned his cabinet seat to fight the charges and said that he looked forward to returning to a frontline position when he had proved his innocence.


First day at trial he pleaded guilty.

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Criminal justice act 1925, s47


"Any presumption of law that an offence committed by a wife in the presence of her husband is committed under the coercion of the husband is hereby abolished, but on a charge against a wife for any offence other than treason or murder it shall be a good defence to prove that the offence was committed in the presence of, and under the coercion of, the husband."


One of the few cases where you are guilty until you can prove innocence though.


I wonder if that is reciprocal? I.E. Can a husband use that defense if coerced by his wife?

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