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Cheap Love - Value Valentine's Cards

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You are aware of course that women never forget, and never let you forget. My ex used to bring things up I'd said or done from donkeys years before, and I couldn't argue because I'd long since forgotten!


Come on girls...you know this to be true! <hides under desk>


Well... ummm :hihi: I think hiding under your desk is the best place ;) maybe stay there for a bit :)

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Its ok I will wait until you are out let you feel like you are safe and then get my own back (because thats what woman do right??) :hihi:


Exactly!!!!! [crikey it's difficult typing from under a desk]....that's exactly what women do. All these things go into a special memory campartment that only women have. It festers there forever, and is able to be recalled with complete clarity. Then just when you're not expecting it......BAM...It all comes out...and us blokes have no argument and cannot dispute it, because us blokes have a special filter that lets us forget things!


What was the thread about now? :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Exactly!!!!! [crikey it's difficult typing from under a desk]....that's exactly what women do. All these things go into a special memory campartment that only women have. It festers there forever, and is able to be recalled with complete clarity. Then just when you're not expecting it......BAM...It all comes out...and us blokes have no argument and cannot dispute it, because us blokes have a special filter that lets us forget things!


What was the thread about now? :hihi::hihi::hihi:


:hihi: Come out from underneath you desk and say that, no if I said we didnt do this then I would be lieing but it our defence you man do mess up alot and if we had a go at you about everything all at once it would be to much for your little brains :hihi: so we like to spread it out for you so that you can handly it, so altho it seems like we are being hard on you we love you really and are just thinking of you :) Thats my story and I am sticking to it


and I believe it may have been about a card of some sort maybe?? :hihi:

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