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Bird of prey ? (or not)


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Haven't there been sporadic reports of "large-eagles-that-shouldn't-be-there" in/around Rotherham lately? (Wentworth is only a stone's throw away, closer to R'ham than Barnsley)


'Was a thread and/or media report (Star?) the other day about a R'ham couple out on a walk, whose small dog was repeatedly attacked/harried by a very large bird of prey, and they had a hard time fighting the bird of prey off the dog?


Your thinking of the wrong Wentworth... The one you have in mind near Rotherham is Wentworth Woodhouse and the village of Wentworth. I think the OP is talking about Wentworth Castle at Stainborough....


There is a thriving community of Buzzards in the area.....


Due to the recent years of mild weather, breeding as been really successful and numbers have soared... Pardon the pun.....


I work up on the Brodsworth Estate in Doncaster and we also have a thriving community of Buzzards... I have seen 8 of them at the same time circling in the sky... The regularly take Pigeons and Pheasants out of the gardens...


The attack that you are talking about happened in the next village to me in Barnbrough, which is also only a couple of miles from Brodsworth... I have heard talk of this community of Buzzards being responsible for this attack... However, I think the culprit was a Harris Hawk which was reported lost from nearby High Melton a few days earlier. Its lack of fear of being near humans showed that it had probably been hand reared..


There was a similar attack in Huddersfield just before Christmas... The bird of prey in question attacked her Chihuahua in the garden and proceeded through the kitchen and into the living room... Her cat is also missing... This bird had also been hand reared..... Due to fact it was wearing jesses and a bell...

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It wasn't one of these was it?

I saw this earlier on today at Forge Dam. It was having a contretemps with some of the ducks over a piece of bread. Unfortunately, the Nokia battery was flat so I had to do this quick watercolour on the back of my doctors appointment card instead ... hence the size of the pic.


It was probably on it migratory flight to the Edge of the Map when you saw it.

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could it have been a harris hawk, ?:huh:


Just checked the ID ring register and a female Hobby Falcon was lost from the area in November.... Still not been found...

Though Hobby's are quite small and don't have a 4ft wingspan...






Also a Harris Hawk has been missing from Rotherham, last spotted in Wooley Woods.... Not far from Wentworth Woodhouse...



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Wrong Wentworth....


no it was the right wentworth, near harley. i dont know my birds (unfortunatly) so it could have been a buzzard. but it was really big and earlier on in the thread i posted a link to a picture of an eagle and it did look like that.

and it did have a wingspan of at least four foot. it had a hell of a time taking off from the top of the tree.

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