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Would you go barefaced?

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I very rarely wear make up and never have. One thing I have never done and never would do is go to bed with make up on, do you know how bad that is for your skin?


If I was going to a job interview, a party, a wedding, a nice restaurant or something like that I would think it correct to make an effort and would apply some foundation, mascara and some lip gloss. But day to day I wear nothing only moisturiser.


The one thing I never go without though even if I am not planning on leaving the house is perfume, I do like a good perfume and wear it every day.

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I very rarely wear make up and never have. One thing I have never done and never would do is go to bed with make up on, do you know how bad that is for your skin?


If I was going to a job interview, a party, a wedding, a nice restaurant or something like that I would think it correct to make an effort and would apply some foundation, mascara and some lip gloss. But day to day I wear nothing only moisturiser.


The one thing I never go without though even if I am not planning on leaving the house is perfume, I do like a good perfume and wear it every day.


I know how bad it is for your skin and I dont do it anymore its been 5years so he is used to seeing me with no make-up on now :) I dont like they way I look without make-up on my skin its really off coloured and soundation makes it look more even and I have small eyes so mascara makes them look bigger but other then that for work I dont wear much else but if I am going to a wedding, date or party I am the same I need to wear make-up :hihi: and I with perfume I love it but I dont wear it on a week day only for parties ect. I would run out to fast if I wore it everday!! just a simple spray will do me :)

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I wouldn't leave the house without my eyes on. Mascara is a must!

The only exception to this would be if I was taken ill in the middle of the night and carted off in the back of an ambulance, i'd probably not bother then!

No foundation though, not even if I was off to see the queen. Horrible stuff :gag:

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I wouldn't leave the house without my eyes on. Mascara is a must!

The only exception to this would be if I was taken ill in the middle of the night and carted off in the back of an ambulance, i'd probably not bother then!

No foundation though, not even if I was off to see the queen. Horrible stuff :gag:


Have you ever had your eyelashes dyed?

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Would you go on a first date with no make-up on??


I couldn't imagen myself going anywhere without my make-up and when I met my other half I use to sleep in my make-up and then get up before him and make sure it was done before he woke up but wouldnt it just save a lot of time if we just showed man what we look like without make-up in the first palce?? My friend where talking about this the other day and just wanted to know what you think!! :)




You must be a right horror bag to go to such extreme measures!





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The one thing I never go without though even if I am not planning on leaving the house is perfume, I do like a good perfume and wear it every day.


I'm a serious perfume wearer too :)


Today is Guerlain Mitsouko, yesterday was Hermès Calèche and I think tomorrow it will be a little of my vintage Givenchy III that I was lucky enough to find in a pure perfume in an auction.


My OH thinks that I have a bottle of every perfume on the market, but I don't want to tell him that I've barely scratched the surface so far. I've only got 167 bottles ;)

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I'll bet you don't need as much make up as you think. I experimented with makeup when I was a teenager, but honestly, less is more. That said, some people do need just a bit of makeup. I have a naturally blonde friend who looks like a rabbit without mascara and eyeliner. :shocked:


I don't use foundation much because I have pretty even skin tone. My only addiction is navy blue eyeliner because I have dark eyes, though I'm not big on mascara most of the time because it can be a pain to take off. The waterproof stuff is nice if you're on a boat or around water.


To make it look like you've been out in the sun when you haven't, put a tiny bit of blush on the bridge of your nose.


curriechick is right, don't sleep in makeup and invest in a good moisturizer with sunscreen.

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