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Landlord help please!

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At a guess you have a solid wall house? Black mould is usually condensation and is damp caused from within. You need heat, insulation and ventilation. On the older houses ventilation is shut off with draught proof windows & doors, sealed off fireplaces and no expelairs in the kitchen and bathrooms. Creating some ventilation at the right time would eliminate this problem but a lot of people cannot be bothered, seal up the house, dry clothes on the radiators, run baths etc and just don't think where does the moisture go to? Well it condenses on a cold spot like a solid part of the brick wall which is in contact with the cold outside and then this spot becomes mould.


Create some ventilation especially in the kitchen and bathroom when creating steam and keep the kitchen and bathroom door shut. Drying clothes is a problem at this time of year. An electric drier is ideal if possible. Our drier which is condensing can easily create half a bucket of water on wash day and thats just for the 2 of us! This water would otherwise float around the house as condensation if we used the radiators or a clothes horse.


So, it may not be the landlords problem as it is more than likely self inflicted. There is a product call Envirovent on the market which is ideal for this problem but costs several hundred pounds to install. It is not the landlords responsibility to fit one but the outlay could by pass the tenants laziness and stop harassment. t also could keep a good tenant.


Exactly right. Most damp problems in properties are caused by the lifestyles of the occupiers. We all create large quantities of water in our daily lives through cooking, bathing, laundry and simply breathing and this water has to be allowed to escape from the property.


Having said that, the landlord has to provide a means of ventilation. If double glazing has been fitted without trickle vents and/or there are no extractors in the kitchen or bathroom he/she should deal with these matters.

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As advised above condensation can often look as bad or worse than actual damp and is far more common. However, it doesn't hurt to be thorough so you could get a second opinion by contacting the council's private rented standards team who will visit and assess the problem. If it is found to be damp they will contact your landlord on your behalf and get the repairs sorted sooner rather than later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Condensation and Mould is always a big problem in winter so keep your Landlord happy:)


Always open a window in bathroom after a bath or shower keeping bathroom door closed. Wipe the moisure from the bath and tiles.


Open a window when cooking.


Heat all the rooms to a good standard of warmth.


NEVER dry washing in the house.


All very easy = Happy tenants


Citizen Advice will tell You can get a leaflet from housing or look up on line how to deal with condensation.


Many Landlord now have a rental clause that says if a tenent creates mold from condensation then its up to the tenant to remove it at their own cost!

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