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Not since 1971 have the British had enough kids to increase the population

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Because sensible women don't want a load of kids to look after. That's why.


We need to get the population level back down to where it was in the 60s, when the infrastructure could cope with the people needing to use it.


Make a start by bumping off all us older ones once we've lost our marbles and stop importing people who don't have the required skills. Problem solved.


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Not very logical, since that idea wouldn't even come close to being a solution. You have a habit of posting rubbish.


A child born in 1960 could expect to live for 52 years. Today, the figure is 69 years. By the middle of the century, it is likely to be higher still, well over 70.


At the same time, people are having fewer children. In 1960, there were 33 births for every 1,000 people. The number has fallen to 20, and it is expected to decline further as people in the developing world have fewer children.

1960? Are you sure? Do you mean 1860?
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The occupants, however they should not be forced to pay more than is needed, as they are currently. (Perhaps in some form of corvee labour once they reach 18 )


Once housed by age 19 these people could then concentrate on the finer things, such as collectively having 2.1 children each and bringing them up to be well rounded individuals.


That’s what happens now, I do agree we pay too much but that’s because the population is too big for the housing supply and some people have more than one house. Reduce the population and house prices will fall. Increase the population and prices will rise.

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If old gits like me and Ruby can work, why cant the rest of you?


With less than 50% of the population working, and many of them doing non jobs, there is not enough necessary work to go around as it is. Structural unemployment is forced to exist and as such, the unemployed are incapable of employing themselves, they lack the land required to create the work.

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1960? Are you sure? Do you mean 1860?




Many state pensions come from contributions made by current taxpayers - it's an arrangement called Pay as You Go. So on current policies, there will be fewer taxpayers to pay more pensions.


Private pensions are different, but some economists think a smaller working population will tend to depress the value of financial assets and that will in turn affect pensions.

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LOL i was gonna post rubes would be first :P
I wouldn't mind. No way they are getting me into one of those anterooms to hell, aka old folks homes. Big party and a Brompton cocktail at the end of the evening for me, thanks. :)


I wont live that long anyway, my mother died at 56 and my father at 67, so hopefully, I won't be using up valuable resources that the rest of you need, so you can idle about for years.

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