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Not since 1971 have the British had enough kids to increase the population

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People only contribute if they have good jobs. Unemployed people don't contribute. People on minimum wage don't contribute. People on considerably more than minimum wage don't contribute.


Like bankers and MPs?


Tell me, where do they get their money from?


Company directors maybe?


And how do they make a profit?

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By encouraging those statistically most likely to have children that will contribute over their lifetimes to procreate, and discouraging those statistically least likely to have children that will contribute over their lifetimes from procreating.


So who's going to do all the ****ty low paid jobs then?


And aren't we drifting pretty close to eugenics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenics

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Bankers from the owners of the bank.


MPs from the contributing public.



By directing successful businesses?


Then perhaps all the bankers should move, and the business owners too, and they can live on an island and all would be well for them.


If the people on minimum wage don't contribute that is...

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People only contribute if they have good jobs. Unemployed people don't contribute. People on minimum wage don't contribute. People on considerably more than minimum wage don't contribute.



Thats Capitalism for you, it cant work without unemloyment and low wages. Imagine if there were more jobs than workers, they would be demanding higher pay or moving elsewhere to get it it. This used to happen in the 60s, where workers where often poached for another couple of bob an hour ! And they paid tax at 35% and didnt claim low wage subsidies, and they managed.


Back then they could even afford to go to the local Boozer or WMCs and socially enjoy a few pints ! Unlike today where we have to rely on cheap Supermarket fizz, because, we simply cant afford to go out to pubs, and as a result, nearly all of them have disappeared.


Why do you think the government allow so many immigrants into this country ?

Its because they will work for next to nothing, and they will still be better off than from where they came from ! This is exactly what our Governments want to keep wages down, but its obvious that they have gone too far with it. And they have created a real headache for this country.

Its a viscious circle because, if these low paid jobs a proper living wage, the cost of living would skyrocket with today Economic model.


To part answer the OP people arent going to reproduce, when the conditions are not right! By that I mean affordable Homes and a job that will pay a wage that they can live off.

Having said that,many Young girls get pregnant to simply get a roof over their heads because its the only way they can guarantee this happening, and ultimately the tax payer foots the bill for fatherless kids !


Would these girls get pregnant if they could just walk into the housing office and get a home straight away, without getting pregnant, and ultimately ruining a possible early career start ? I doubt it ! They would surely rather have the option of meeting a future husband with a well paid job to support a family and a roof over their heads.


Ironically we British people arent reproducing and having families as much as we would like, but our populace is being supplemented by letting immigrants in !

Letting people into our country when there arent enough houses, or PROPER PAID jobs, to go round the people we already have here is sheer Lunacy.

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