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Science vs Religion

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Some religions are more demanding and depending on what country it is as well

you usually find the poorer and more squalid the life is the stronger they cling on to there religious belief hoping for a better time in the next world, we have the advantage of money and science we don't have the daily struggle just to stay alive like some of theses poor country's do, so we have lost a lot of the fear of the grim reaper although it comes to us all in the end.

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Ive enjoyed this religious debate, my last word on the subject as a christian is ,my personal faith is unshakable science is a marvelous thing and has enlightened the human race my belief in God is of a higher order and a spiritual thing my belief gives me comfort love and purpose in life, science is a tangible thing that we use every day in our life making our life safer and physically more tolerable especially in the medical field,I would like to think religion and science can go hand in hand , but like most things there are extremist on both sides that will never agree.


I hope you won't mind if, as an aetheist, I say, in all sincerity, amen to that!

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I used the term fundamentalist to describe someone who pursues their beliefs without compromise to the aanoyance/detriment/disadvantage/pain of death of those they wish to convert to their beliefs.
But that's not what fundamentalism means, it means someone who advocates a return to the 'fundamentals' of whatever ideology they are a fundamentalist of.


There is only one thing that is fundamental to atheism: Not believing in any gods.


As it is usually applied to the religious, it doesn't seem right when associated with aetheism, that doesn't mean to say that there aren't uncompromising "fundamentalist" aetheists in this world! (I used the term to refer to myself).
Why not just say 'uncompromising' then? It seems to convey what you mean just as well, and perhaps even better.
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I would like to ask the atheists a few things, what do you believe in , have you been put off religion, do you believe there is a God,what do you think happens when you die,do you dislike religious people,Im not after judging anyone I just would like to know what you think.

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You'll have to forgive me I missed your knockout blow. Maybe I thought you were expressing an opinion rather than setting out an incontrovertible proof!


If your point is that you’re not saying science can or should replace religion but reason and logic can then I’m not sure why you are making that distinction.

....so I see you completely ignored that I did and continued arguing along the exact same lines again (where is the facepalm smily?). Please can you try a little harder to understand why I'm making that distinction, because it's rather important to what I'm saying.


When we move into the territory of values, morals, individual and collective goals in life, creating successful society through living in peace and love, then science has little to say.
I agree, and nor should it. Reason logic and empathy however, have a lot to say.


What you're saying is completely ludicrous. We do not need religion for any of those things. I have morals and values, morals that I have decided myself through empathy, reason and logic, without religion.


I have goals, goals that I have decided myself without religion.


I have ideas about how to create a succesful society where we all live with peace and love, ideas that I have developed through reason, and not religion.


Do you not have these things also? How did you get them?


On these grounds the message from all religions I’ve ever come across is the same. That it is better for all if we forgo a few selfish pursuits and look out for each other for the good of all.
What on earth are you on about? all religions are just about living together in harmony? Are you serious? I'm shocked that you could type that with a straight face (assuming you did!). Could you explain your reasoning a little better perhaps? Because the message I'm hearing from the world's two largest religions at least seems to be "you need to live our way in order to not be tortured after you die".


So, for me the battle of Science vs Religion is a false one. They have different roles to play. What we should be asking is what roles do each fulfil best, and what are the limitations of each?
Religion fulfills 0 rules best.


You don't seem to get that science is not the be all and end all of rationalism. It is only one manifestation of reason and logic.


You're right that the battle is a false one, because the real battle is not science vs religion, that is far too specific and you're correct to point out that they don't cover the same areas, the real battle is faith vs reason.

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I know this may be a sensitive comment,but i was thinking about this yesterday.

I'm quite sure that it does'nt apply to anyone on here but i wonder how many people say they are atheists just to be in with the crowd and are not genuinely so.

I mean i acknowledge that there are plenty of people that would fit into that category who are part of faith groups. You see this with people who are holding professional positions ie politicians,more especially in the USA and who lie about their convictions to suit there own advantage.

Do you think the same thing happens with those in general life who say they are atheists because they feel they will be more accepted?

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the message I'm hearing from the world's two largest religions at least seems to be "you need to live our way in order to not be tortured after you die".


It's been a long time since you've actually listened to a religious service hasn't it?


I can't remember the last time I heard a religious person utter the word "hell". Oh we've all read about it, we're all aware of it, but who now is adopting the primitive religion of fear?


Religion evolves just as science does.


In Einstein's articles I've been quoting from, he discusses the evolution of religion.


There's the primitive religion of fear, there's social or moral religion and then what he describes as the third stage of religious experience (of which you may approve) - cosmic religiosity with no anthropomorphic conception of God in it.


Feel free to open your mind to other ways of thinking (and no I'm not attacking you, this is not personal nor intended to antagonise you, you appear to be an intelligent person who enjoys debate, but possibly a little bit of a fundamentalist rationalist - calm down it's a joke - there are limitations on ways of expressing yourself on a forum - just as reason alone has its limitations "You cannot reason a person out of something they were not reasoned into.")

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I would like to ask the atheists a few things, what do you believe in


Possibly numerous things.


have you been put off religion


Yes. Partly because of the problems most religions cause & partly because I view religions as not being true.


do you believe there is a God




what do you think happens when you die


I suspect I'll return to the same state as when I wasn't alive: I'll no longer exist.


do you dislike religious people


I don't dislike all religious people.

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Religion is concerened with the way humans can work together.


I can't remember the last time I heard a religious person utter the word "hell". Oh we've all read about it, we're all aware of it, but who now is adopting the primitive religion of fear?


I think you need to watch some of the videos on this channel: RWW


Then take a very close and long look at the image in this article.


And finally catchup with the news from around the world:


Media Round-up


And here.


You could also try searching for the word 'hell' in search box provided in some of the above links.


Who knows? After carefully studying the material above, you may realise that not all religious people believe and act according to your naive & idyllic view of religion.

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