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I would like to ask the atheists a few things, what do you believe in[/Quote]

Love, freedom...


have you been put off religion

Err, not really.


do you believe there is a God

If I did I wouldnt be an atheist.


what do you think happens when you die

Nothing, the same that happened before I was conceieved.


do you dislike religious people,

Nope, hell I use to go out with somone sorta practicisng islam.

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I would like to ask the atheists a few things, what do you believe in ,

That we exist in a universe that as always existed and the materials in the universe are constantly being recycled.


have you been put off religion,

Yes but only when it’s used for violence, pushed in my face or gets involved in my life.



do you believe there is a God,
No but I do believe that God exists in the mind of the believer just like love and hate.


what do you think happens when you die,
We are recycled and become other things but our consciousness ceases to exist.



do you dislike religious people,Im not after judging anyone I just would like to know what you think.

Some but not all, just the same as I dislike some athiests.

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Ive enjoyed this religious debate,


Yes i enjoy the religious debate's too, because i am interested in hearing the views of those on the opposing side.

I don't get a chance to discuss the subject in my personal life because my atheist friends are not vocal about their position,and my relatives who don't believe would choose to ignore any comments i might make in reference to my religious beliefs.

In fact if i made any attempt to impose my beliefs on them they would think i had lost the plot all together.

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So how can we use science to discover how we should live our lives?

This isn't what either of us were talking about, but since you introduced it, science can tell us which foods/activities/lifestyles are harming our bodies and also tell us what is good for our bodies as well as emotional well being.


Organised religion, while giving messages of love and peace, also gives many nasty and bigoted messages.


Indeed an interesting finding. Has cause and effect been proved or just correlation?

I don't know, but it's more than you've given to back up your statements.




Community, network of support, culture of forgiveness ...

All of which can exist without religion. You may find there are many religions which DON'T preach forgiveness, quite the opposite actually.


It isn't science's place to provide any of this, science is just science.



Have you heard of "The Moral Molecule". Does morality have a chemical base? Or is science maybe straying into areas beyond its competence?

Yes I have heard of it. I don't know. How so?



A belief in determinism as opposed to free will is particularly criticized for seeming to make traditional moral judgments impossible ... What do you think? Do we have free will, or are we amoral/immoral beings merely here to propogate the selfish gene?

This doesn't answer my question, but anway...

Organised religion is a lot less about free will than science, does "Thou shalt not.." sound familiar?


Many religions have also made many predictions and prophecies also.



No I'm saying that some things which purport to be science are far from it. Science is good at the basics, but when it comes to complex systems measurements become very subjective and predictions become near impossible.


Do you consider yourself to be wholly understandable by science? Are your thoughts and behaviours merely the logical and predictable outcome of your biochemical makeup?

No, I consider myself partially understandable by science. I don't think my thjoughts and behaviours are altogether predictable.


I originally used the term lightly as an attempt at self-deprecating humour.


Obviously I failed miserably, but as you ask, I would say that a fundamentalist aetheist has an uncompromising belief that they are infallible.


Very strange indeed :suspect:

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Some religions are more demanding and depending on what country it is as well

you usually find the poorer and more squalid the life is the stronger they cling on to there religious belief hoping for a better time in the next world, we have the advantage of money and science we don't have the daily struggle just to stay alive like some of theses poor country's do, so we have lost a lot of the fear of the grim reaper although it comes to us all in the end.


I would like to ask the atheists a few things, what do you believe in

All sorts of things! The list is too long!

I believe in balance and harmony, wherever possible, I believe in treating others with respect as they deserve, I believe in peace and love wherever possible. I also believe in lots more.


have you been put off religion

I was never "on" religion, but I don't think organised religion is necessary at all, there are many reasons for this. Individual faith is different and I think some people need it.


do you believe there is a God

Not currently, I have no reason to. Atheism is simply being"without belief in Gods" so this would disqualify me as an atheist!


what do you think happens when you die

My body will decompose or be burnt, anything more than that, I don't KNOW but I have no reason to believe anything alse happens


do you dislike religious people


Not really




I'd like to add that I'm not ONLY an atheist, I'm also an agnostic, apatheist, humanist, artist, musician and much more.

Also technically a Christian, according to the OED definition and the bible, depending on your interpretation.

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I know this may be a sensitive comment,but i was thinking about this yesterday.

I'm quite sure that it does'nt apply to anyone on here but i wonder how many people say they are atheists just to be in with the crowd and are not genuinely so.

I mean i acknowledge that there are plenty of people that would fit into that category who are part of faith groups. You see this with people who are holding professional positions ie politicians,more especially in the USA and who lie about their convictions to suit there own advantage.

Do you think the same thing happens with those in general life who say they are atheists because they feel they will be more accepted?


I'm sure there will be theists somewhere who claim to be atheists, more likely to avoid having their beliefs mocked rather than to be in with the crowd.


There's probably many people who also don't realise they are atheists. I used to think/assume that an atheist was someone who actively denied the existence of God(s). I think it was only last year when I looked up the definition and looked more into what an atheist is that I realised I too am one.

The same goes for agnostisism, I assumed it meant someone who is unsure about their belief, turns out I was wrong there too.

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I know this may be a sensitive comment,but i was thinking about this yesterday.

I'm quite sure that it does'nt apply to anyone on here but i wonder how many people say they are atheists just to be in with the crowd and are not genuinely so.


It's possible some claim to be atheist; although I would think this would occur most amongst teens who are trying to avoid being the butt of a joke.


I mean i acknowledge that there are plenty of people that would fit into that category who are part of faith groups. You see this with people who are holding professional positions ie politicians,more especially in the USA and who lie about their convictions to suit there own advantage.


In the US, religion, being what it is, has created a climate where politicians can't be honest about their non-belief because they know they won't get elected. In some areas of the US, being open about your atheism means you risk losing everything: your job/business and your family and friends.


Do you think the same thing happens with those in general life who say they are atheists because they feel they will be more accepted?


If it does, it's not on the same scale or for the same reasons that an atheist may have to lie about his or her non-belief.


I don't get a chance to discuss the subject in my personal life because my atheist friends are not vocal about their position,and my relatives who don't believe would choose to ignore any comments i might make in reference to my religious beliefs.


In fact if i made any attempt to impose my beliefs on them they would think i had lost the plot all together.


I'd probably think the same:D

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I think you need to watch some of the videos on this channel: RWW


Then take a very close and long look at the image in this article.


And finally catchup with the news from around the world:


Media Round-up


And here.



You could also try searching for the word 'hell' in search box provided in some of the above links.


Who knows? After carefully studying the material above, you may realise that not all religious people believe and act according to your naive & idyllic view of religion.


I have viewed the links. i have always known that terrible events have happened in the name of religion,and i recognise that tragic events still happen. I know though that there are also many good and positive things about religion,which some people appear to overlook.

I have never considered myself to be a radical,but if ever faced with the probability of a mass movement threatening to take away my freedom to practice my religion and remove the religious establishment in this country i would fight with every ounce of energy i have got left,because i consider that it is a valuable institution worth preserving.So long may it live.

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I'm sure there will be theists somewhere who claim to be atheists, more likely to avoid having their beliefs mocked rather than to be in with the crowd.



I understand whats its like to be mocked!

I sometimes wonder where my side hide.....and i feel like saying to them "Come on you lot"..."Stand up and be counted" :hihi:

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I would like to ask the atheists a few things, what do you believe in , have you been put off religion, do you believe there is a God,what do you think happens when you die,do you dislike religious people,Im not after judging anyone I just would like to know what you think.


a. what do you mean by "believe in"?


b. from what I've seen of religion it causes nothing but trouble...


c. No


d. nothing.. it's the end..


e. not particularly as long as they don't preach to me..

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