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But it has to be present in his system so he saying you still have to follow his rules as well as any other you choose to follow


He's not saying you have to follow his rules.


He's saying if you choose to follow his rules the result will be freedom - Nibbana - but you don't have to follow them, you wont be punished by some divine being for not following those rules - you just wont gain Nibbana.

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I wish you'd stop editing posts after I've replied!


as long as it blends in with his




As long as it has the same, erm, steps, if you like, as his, it doesn't have to blend in with it.


Look at it like this.


Someone could be learning to drive a truck, someone else could be learning to drive a car, the instructors may use completely different methods but the basic criteria of what they teach - clutch in, change gear, mirror use, breaking, indicating - they would be the same. That doesn't mean that to learn to drive a car you also need to learn to drive a truck, but the principles are identical.


Likewise with the Buddha, he's saying as long as certain criteria are met you will achieve Nibbana, you don't need to be 'Buddhist', you don't need to have even heard of Buddhism - but you do need those ingrediants to be present.


In my opinion his rules are meaningless and pointless[/Quote]


That's entirely up to you.


He is trying to mislead you with not gaining nibbana if you don't follow


No he's not.

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Yes the steps have to be like his[/Quote]


No they don't.


That's like saying the truck instructor has to use the same method of teaching as the car instructor, that's not the case - what they do is share the same basic principles, without which you wouldn't be able to drive.


The principles don't belong to the Buddha, the method does.


so if his steps are pointless then the rest are[/Quote]


They aren't pointless. They lead to Nibbana (according to the belief of Buddhists)


and he uses Nibbana as a weapon to keep you following his rules[/Quote]


No he doesn't. Because you don't have to follow the rules. All he does is say that the result of the path is Nibbana, just like someone who gives you a map would tell you that it would lead to a destination, they don't use that destination as a weapon to force you to follow the map, they merely point the way, it's up to you if you follow it, or not, as you wish.


He is misleading you


He isn't.

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