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Science vs Religion

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Science and religion are mutually exclusive; it's almost always one or the other.


That is entirely incorrect.


You had many scientists who were perfectly balanced with their religion and with science and had no conflict.


Galileo used his questioning mind to dwell deeper and his famous words when speaking of a Creator, said

"who had endowed us with senses, reason and intellect, intended us not to forgo their use"


You also had great scientists like Kepler/Pascal/Boyle/Newton/Faraday/Pasteur to name just a few- who openly spoke about their religion- Newton used his belief in God as an inspiration rather than some obstacle.


If there really was a conflict between Science and Religion then logic would dictate scientists were all atheists and only non -scientists believe in God.


This is simply not the case as I have shown.

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If there really was a conflict between Science and Religion then logic would dictate scientists were all atheists and only non -scientists believe in God.
That is not true, and not logical.


People are entirely capable of holding contradictory positions, everyone is a hypocrite in some way.


Your reasoning is akin to saying that abusive husbands aren't so bad because so many women stay with them.


You can't just say 'logic dictates' this or that, you actually need to make a logical argument, you have not done so here.

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That is entirely incorrect.


You had many scientists who were perfectly balanced with their religion and with science and had no conflict.


He said that science and religion are mutually exclusive, not scientists and religious believers are mutually exclusive.


Any ideology which proposes a priori conclusions, immovable, and immune to evidence, is by definition incompatible with science. Trying to argue otherwise is just desperate self delusion.

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That is not true, and not logical.


People are entirely capable of holding contradictory positions, everyone is a hypocrite in some way.


Your reasoning is akin to saying that abusive husbands aren't so bad because so many women stay with them.


You can't just say 'logic dictates' this or that, you actually need to make a logical argument, you have not done so here.


Of course people can hold opposing views and scientists do so across all fields.


What I was pointing out was there is no real conflict between science and religion per se.


My use of the word 'logic' (perhaps more 'elementary')was being used to show that this was not the case- scientists are not all holding an atheistic view nor is it that only non scientists believed in God.


Using your analogy,

akin to saying that abusive husbands aren't so bad because so many women stay with them.
does not make sense as this sort of situation has many variables.


I am out most of today but perhaps will try to log back on later or when next possible- would be happy to discuss the thread without derailing it.

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No disrespect meant, but what you are describing does sound very much like habit (for want of a better word);


-You have been told something since childhood and believed it without question


-As you got older you realised some of the stories don't make sense and are hard to believe


-You still believe anyway, without explanation



Perhaps I should have phrased my question a little differently...

So what convinces you that there IS a God ?

Why do you believe there IS a God, now that you realise you just accepted what you were told from childhood, and admit that it doesn't all make sense?

No I would not say believing in God is a habit, I don't go to church as much these days,but God is in my heart and sole it is part of what makes me what I am,I'm not a religious maniac for from it, I can listen to anyone's opinions and especially scientists they are very clever people, I have an open mind to religion and science and respect everybody's right to believe what they want to believe or not believe.

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The deafening silence from certain quarters just goes to demonstrate that people who attempt to use science to back up religious accounts of creation will only aim their decidedly dodgy interpretations of scientific theories at people who are desperate to believe and/or have little understanding of how science works.


When asked to debate their highly subjective interpretations of science with people who know what they are talking about, these charlatans will always run a mile.

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No I would not say believing in God is a habit, I don't go to church as much these days,but God is in my heart and sole it is part of what makes me what I am,I'm not a religious maniac for from it, I can listen to anyone's opinions and especially scientists they are very clever people, I have an open mind to religion and science and respect everybody's right to believe what they want to believe or not believe.


Okay, but that doesn't answer the question, read the post again

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The deafening silence from certain quarters just goes to demonstrate that people who attempt to use science to back up religious accounts of creation will only aim their decidedly dodgy interpretations of scientific theories at people who are desperate to believe and/or have little understanding of how science works.


When asked to debate their highly subjective interpretations of science with people who know what they are talking about, these charlatans will always run a mile.

I've read this one over and over again and basically what the (blankety blank) are you on a about :confused:

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