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Police grab two youths on Granville Road

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wheres the student bashing?

have i missed someat?


all i see is a few people think the police are over reacting and wasting resources and some are glad the police are out arresting "scrotes"


By stating that they were students without proof he is student bashing. He could have said two young people. This type of comment does give students a bad name. Students do not require any assistance in that area.

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Has anyone yet made the observation that people who make 'I'm shooting you' gestures at the police tend not tp be law abiding citizens? The police may have thought it likely they'd find either drugs, weapons or stolen property on these lads, which may explain their response.

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Shame it's wasn't an armed response vehicle.....I'm sure it would be I need clean underkegs officer


Totally agree, well done to the police, idiots like that deserve what they get. Let's hope they've been remanded for the weekend, had their flat's searched too before they meet a Magistrate on Monday morning. Morons!!!

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Don't talk **** ! The respect for the police is dropping ? We need to show the boys an girls in blue they're doing a brilliant job for us all...


Totally agree, this kind of disrespect is the thin end of the wedge. It was a stupid thing to do, and they deserved everything they got...idiots.:mad:

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He is clearly stating that students go around pretending to shoot police. They do not normally do this.

He finished by saying "well done" to the police for their actions.

no he wasnt, simply said two idiots (who happened to be students) made a gun sign at the police, nowhere does he say all students do it

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no he wasnt, simply said two idiots (who happened to be students) made a gun sign at the police, nowhere does he say all students do it


The implication was absolutely definitely there whether you accept it or not. Her said "Two male students who were walking to town"

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