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Police grab two youths on Granville Road

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Off topic here but what happend to the police using the forum ? They used to make regular posts on here but i havent seen any for months.


They never comment on things they have done wrong or not done. Earlier on last year we had a thread where an armistice parade (I believe anyhow but I could search and find out) couldnt go ahead due to police refusing to walk with them.


(Sorry just checked and it was the battle of Britain parade see link




And with this where there is no justification for the police's reaction even if they just held them for questioning. As for the post about been given a fine for public order what public order has been broken here. It seems public order is a term used for "arrest people where we have no justification".


What next arresting kids with waterpistols as an offensive weapon.

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Thank you. Lets get back to the issue which is how we deal with these idiots.


These idiots who arrested two gentlemen just for a hand gesture. Why do the police have a massive ego.


No, the idiots weren't the police:- the idiots were the brain-dead "lary packets" who thought it was so big and clever to make threatening gestures toward the police officers.


It's a good job our police aren't armed as a matter of course... these lackwits could have found themselves ventilated, somewhat, courtesy of a bullet. when You've a split second to react, and make the decision whether someone's got a real gun or a toy gun, and protect yourself, your colleagues, and the public at large, you can't take chances.

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They never comment on things they have done wrong or not done. Earlier on last year we had a thread where an armistice parade (I believe anyhow but I could search and find out) couldnt go ahead due to police refusing to walk with them.


(Sorry just checked and it was the battle of Britain parade see link




And with this where there is no justification for the police's reaction even if they just held them for questioning. As for the post about been given a fine for public order what public order has been broken here. It seems public order is a term used for "arrest people where we have no justification".


What next arresting kids with waterpistols as an offensive weapon.


more like "what next, people making mountains out of nothing..."

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No, the idiots weren't the police:- the idiots were the brain-dead "lary packets" who thought it was so big and clever to make threatening gestures toward the police officers.


It's a good job our police aren't armed as a matter of course... these lackwits could have found themselves ventilated, somewhat, courtesy of a bullet. when You've a split second to react, and make the decision whether someone's got a real gun or a toy gun, and protect yourself, your colleagues, and the public at large, you can't take chances.


If you follow that argument then kids with water pistols would be arrested as would kids with toy guns where do we stop? If their hand was in their pocket then yes it could be perceived a threat however they according to the op their hands were in full view.


If the police believed during this incident that they were armed then it worries me about the police's lack of observational skills.

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Rubbish, Woodmally.


YOU try deciding in a split second if a firearm, brandished at you is a genuine or a fake? If you can, you're a better man than most, gunga-din!


Also, give the police a bit of leeway for common sense. If a three-year old is toting a gun, the odds are that it WILL be fake. yYouths, and up... not such an easy call.

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Rubbish, Woodmally.


YOU try deciding in a split second if a firearm, brandished at you is a genuine or a fake? If you can, you're a better man than most, gunga-din!


Also, give the police a bit of leeway for common sense. If a three-year old is toting a gun, the odds are that it WILL be fake. yYouths, and up... not such an easy call.


We can all tell the difference between a gun and fingers :hihi:

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Maybe that the police had respect but lost it due to numerous incidents


i think police hands are severally tied on most incidents!! maybe the CPS should pull their head out their backsides and give out proper punishment! :rant::rant::rant:

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