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More dead than alive..

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Ah okay.


Do many Christians still believe Adam and Eve were the first 2 people?


From what I've read over the last few years I thought it had become thought of more as a metaphor amongst theists.


If they believe in a God I see no reason not to believe in Adam and Eve, but as an atheist Christian I don't. :)

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What is frightening is that in my lifetime the population of the world has increased threefold.

When I was born, 2.5 billion, currently 6.9 billion.

In only 60 years.

Over 4 billion in that time

Yet to get to 2.5 billion took 50,000 years.


As a firm Sceptic on the 'Population Explosion' Nonsense, I have got to say the above assumed figures are ABSOLUTE TOSH.


I recall in numerous books and lessons in O-Level Geography in the fee-Paying Grammar School I attended in London in the 1970's, all the population prediction 'projections' estimated that World Population would reach or exceed the 10 Billion Barrier, or at the very lowest estimate, rise to at least 8 Billion, by the Year 2000.

This plainly has NOT happened.


Even the '7 Billion' estimate at present is at least arbitrary, and most likely at least 500 Million over the mark.


The 10-billion-by-2000 predictions (accompanied by that familiar exponential graph with the curve going vertical at the right hand end) during the 'Swinging Sixties' era of fashionable, left-wing, 'Liberated' academic attitudes, incorporated some glaring, fundamental, and quite frankly obvious flaws which even a schoolboy could see through.


These predictions took no account of the incidence of Infertility, Contraception, and Abortion. (Please note, Contraception and abortion was NOT invented in the 1960's, it has been present in every culture and period of history, including Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and even the Neolithic.


The predictions took no account whatsover of the effects of MIGRATION. Most of the huge 'increases' in population observed from the 1960's in places such as India, Pakistan, and across Africa and the Americas (and slightly earlier in Europe in the 1940's) were actually due to MIGRATION of people such as refugees, economic migrants, settlers, mass movement of populations: e.g. India, 1948, with the result that many thorough modern censuses frequently counted the SAME people twice, or, in many cases, THREE TIMES.


Countries which were often quoted as those with ever-growing population growth, such as African states, Bangladesh and India, have actually had among the LOWEST population growths of all over the last 40 years, partly due to outward migration of many of the most fertile and ambitious people to wealthier countries such as Britain, Europe and the Americas, and also due to war/poverty trauma in the most unfortunate countries (Witness plummeting population in war-torn nations over periods since WW2, from Vietnam and Cambodia to Rwanda, Rhodesia, Uganda, Libya, etc. Many of those nations have only barely recovered to their pre-war/pre-crisis populations levels and others such as Ethiopia and Somalia have whole areas as large as France or Britain which have been emptied of population due to drought/conflict.


Pretty well the only exceptions outside the USA and Japan, Korea, newly wealthy China, and Western Europe that have had very high population growth are very small and wealthy countries/provinces, such as Brunei, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Israel, Malta, Costa Rica, Panama, the Seychelles, Dubai, Kuwait, Iceland, New Zealand, and yes, you guessed it, a LOT of their population growth has been due to migration; one outstanding example being for example, Israel, where the population HAS increased from under 4 million in the late 1970's to well over 10 Million now.



And finally, here comes the clincher.. Yes, indeed, there are, (and short of humans colonising new planets in addition to Earth) and always will be, many more dead people than living, because the truth, (as is being uncovered by increasing amounts of archaeological evidence) is that the Ancient World is now known to have been FAR more populated than previously believed.


Deep in the Amazon jungles and in the midst of deserts like the Sahara, Gobi, and Mesopotamia, more and more ancient sites of settlement and agricultural activity spanning thousands of square miles are being uncovered, especially by satellite imagery; for example: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1091550/Ancient-city-discovered-deep-Amazonian-rainforest-linked-legendary-white-skinned-Cloud-People-Peru.html


Many of these previously 'lost' sites are not small either; they are cities the size of Sheffield, or even bigger, and one must not forget that while the most obvious remains are of temples, buildings, walls, etc. the actual ancient city only housed a tiny proportion of the population; thousands, if not millions worked and lived on the land for maybe hundreds of miles around to support each city with trade and specialist products.


The story of the enormous populations that existed in antiquity is the same thw world over, helping to explain the amazing feats of construction and art in the ancient world, which the fringe-scientists are so keen to ascribe to fantasies of 'Space-Aliens' or ancient machines with power-sources.

The Pyramids of Egypt, for example, were built in an empire which boasted a population of something in the region of 40 Million People -approximately half of Egypt's present day population; and the city of Rome in 200AD at its height had at least 3 million people, not counting possibly a million more living and working at its main seaport, Ostia, 10-20 km away at the mouth of the Tiber. Byzantium (Istanbul), Alexandria, Chengdu in China, Edo in Japan, Angkor Wat, Sacsayhuaman in S. America, and many others all dwarfed even Rome's maximum size at various times between 2000BC and 500AD. Even today, the Great Wall of China, originally built in the 2nd millenium BC and last rebuilt over 500 years ago, is the world's largest single structure, and nearer home, in Britain and Ireland, some titanic structures exist from thousands of years ago; if you think Stonehenge is big, it has nothing on Durrington Walls http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durrington_Walls, not to mention SEVERAL OTHER enormous 'mega-henges' which must have required a workforce and supporting population such as farmers, traders, etc. of something in the region of a million people at any one time.




I do hope you all find this rather long post of interest, as the above evidence and more proof than you can imagine nails the lie once and for all of a rapidly rising 'Population Explosion', but more of a gentle 'swell' which, while it is higher than any known period before in history, has to be put in context of population figures in excess of a billion as far back as 4000BC and population levels of as high as 4 billion across the world around 1100AD.:hihi:

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I do hope you all find this rather long post of interest, as the above evidence and more proof than you can imagine nails the lie once and for all of a rapidly rising 'Population Explosion', but more of a gentle 'swell' which, while it is higher than any known period before in history, has to be put in context of population figures in excess of a billion as far back as 4000BC and population levels of as high as 4 billion across the world around 1100AD.:hihi:


You really shouldn't laugh at your own jokes, especially when they aren’t funny. :)

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As a firm Sceptic on the 'Population Explosion' Nonsense, I have got to say the above assumed figures are ABSOLUTE TOSH.


I recall in numerous books and lessons in O-Level Geography in the fee-Paying Grammar School I attended in London in the 1970's, all the population prediction 'projections' estimated that World Population would reach or exceed the 10 Billion Barrier, or at the very lowest estimate, rise to at least 8 Billion, by the Year 2000.

This plainly has NOT happened.


Even the '7 Billion' estimate at present is at least arbitrary, and most likely at least 500 Million over the mark.


The 10-billion-by-2000 predictions (accompanied by that familiar exponential graph with the curve going vertical at the right hand end) during the 'Swinging Sixties' era of fashionable, left-wing, 'Liberated' academic attitudes, incorporated some glaring, fundamental, and quite frankly obvious flaws which even a schoolboy could see through.


These predictions took no account of the incidence of Infertility, Contraception, and Abortion. (Please note, Contraception and abortion was NOT invented in the 1960's, it has been present in every culture and period of history, including Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and even the Neolithic.


The predictions took no account whatsover of the effects of MIGRATION. Most of the huge 'increases' in population observed from the 1960's in places such as India, Pakistan, and across Africa and the Americas (and slightly earlier in Europe in the 1940's) were actually due to MIGRATION of people such as refugees, economic migrants, settlers, mass movement of populations: e.g. India, 1948, with the result that many thorough modern censuses frequently counted the SAME people twice, or, in many cases, THREE TIMES.


Countries which were often quoted as those with ever-growing population growth, such as African states, Bangladesh and India, have actually had among the LOWEST population growths of all over the last 40 years, partly due to outward migration of many of the most fertile and ambitious people to wealthier countries such as Britain, Europe and the Americas, and also due to war/poverty trauma in the most unfortunate countries (Witness plummeting population in war-torn nations over periods since WW2, from Vietnam and Cambodia to Rwanda, Rhodesia, Uganda, Libya, etc. Many of those nations have only barely recovered to their pre-war/pre-crisis populations levels and others such as Ethiopia and Somalia have whole areas as large as France or Britain which have been emptied of population due to drought/conflict.


Pretty well the only exceptions outside the USA and Japan, Korea, newly wealthy China, and Western Europe that have had very high population growth are very small and wealthy countries/provinces, such as Brunei, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Israel, Malta, Costa Rica, Panama, the Seychelles, Dubai, Kuwait, Iceland, New Zealand, and yes, you guessed it, a LOT of their population growth has been due to migration; one outstanding example being for example, Israel, where the population HAS increased from under 4 million in the late 1970's to well over 10 Million now.



And finally, here comes the clincher.. Yes, indeed, there are, (and short of humans colonising new planets in addition to Earth) and always will be, many more dead people than living, because the truth, (as is being uncovered by increasing amounts of archaeological evidence) is that the Ancient World is now known to have been FAR more populated than previously believed.


Deep in the Amazon jungles and in the midst of deserts like the Sahara, Gobi, and Mesopotamia, more and more ancient sites of settlement and agricultural activity spanning thousands of square miles are being uncovered, especially by satellite imagery; for example: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1091550/Ancient-city-discovered-deep-Amazonian-rainforest-linked-legendary-white-skinned-Cloud-People-Peru.html


Many of these previously 'lost' sites are not small either; they are cities the size of Sheffield, or even bigger, and one must not forget that while the most obvious remains are of temples, buildings, walls, etc. the actual ancient city only housed a tiny proportion of the population; thousands, if not millions worked and lived on the land for maybe hundreds of miles around to support each city with trade and specialist products.


The story of the enormous populations that existed in antiquity is the same thw world over, helping to explain the amazing feats of construction and art in the ancient world, which the fringe-scientists are so keen to ascribe to fantasies of 'Space-Aliens' or ancient machines with power-sources.

The Pyramids of Egypt, for example, were built in an empire which boasted a population of something in the region of 40 Million People -approximately half of Egypt's present day population; and the city of Rome in 200AD at its height had at least 3 million people, not counting possibly a million more living and working at its main seaport, Ostia, 10-20 km away at the mouth of the Tiber. Byzantium (Istanbul), Alexandria, Chengdu in China, Edo in Japan, Angkor Wat, Sacsayhuaman in S. America, and many others all dwarfed even Rome's maximum size at various times between 2000BC and 500AD. Even today, the Great Wall of China, originally built in the 2nd millenium BC and last rebuilt over 500 years ago, is the world's largest single structure, and nearer home, in Britain and Ireland, some titanic structures exist from thousands of years ago; if you think Stonehenge is big, it has nothing on Durrington Walls http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durrington_Walls, not to mention SEVERAL OTHER enormous 'mega-henges' which must have required a workforce and supporting population such as farmers, traders, etc. of something in the region of a million people at any one time.




I do hope you all find this rather long post of interest, as the above evidence and more proof than you can imagine nails the lie once and for all of a rapidly rising 'Population Explosion', but more of a gentle 'swell' which, while it is higher than any known period before in history, has to be put in context of population figures in excess of a billion as far back as 4000BC and population levels of as high as 4 billion across the world around 1100AD.:hihi:


Go and have a lie down

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