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Bad customer service in Sheffield.


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i work in a supermarket (only one day a week fortunately) and I try my upmost to be polite to people because i value my job. if a customer complains about me i could get disciplinary warnings etc and ultimately lose my job; not worth it to me. besides, customers deserve to be treated with respect because they're effectively paying my wages and it goes full circle too cos I'm a customer too and so I deserve respect when i hand my money over.


I can't agree that they deserve respect because they pay your wages. Not at all. Everyone pays everyones wages if you look at the bigger picture. They deserve respect if they're respectful to you. That's the only thing that should qualify you to gain respect.

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I work for John Lewis and only get paid min wage but i would never be rude to a customer, i treat every customer as i expect to be treat myself, we at John Lewis pride our self on giving very good customer service .


I think John Lewis has kept all the best parts of customer service and not lost any of the reassurance or quality we expect from there. Other names have lost something M&S for example doesn't feel the same but John Lewis still instills confidence.

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Treat people as you expect to be treated yourself.


The way some members of the public speak to people in service industries who are often trying to help them never ceases to amaze me,they forget thats someones daughter,son,mum dad ect that they are treating like dirt.

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I went to Asda today and found all the staff very friendly and helpful. There was one girl who had a stick with a green pointing finger on the end of it. It was her job to walk up and down the checkouts and point (with the big green hand) to tills that had no queue. She really loved her job. I had to laugh at her antics.

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Treat people as you expect to be treated yourself.


The way some members of the public speak to people in service industries who are often trying to help them never ceases to amaze me,they forget thats someones daughter,son,mum dad ect that they are treating like dirt.


I completely agree. Only last week I was sold some bananas that had gone manky from my local Lidl. I stormed up to the customer service desk (The till) and I stripped seven inches from the arrogant ugly old cretin who was trying to fob me off by saying the bananas had already been reduced to 5p before I bought them. I wasnt happy, so continued to throw insults and explesives at the wrinkly old battle-axe who was filling my head with "Our exchange policy" crap. Imagine my horror when I realised it was actually my aunt who I was shouting at, and I had totally forgotten that she worked there! I bet that will be talked about for a few family parties to come! Im such a silly billy.

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I think John Lewis has kept all the best parts of customer service and not lost any of the reassurance or quality we expect from there. Other names have lost something M&S for example doesn't feel the same but John Lewis still instills confidence.


My first job on leaving school was working as a shop assistant at John Lewis. They ingrain into you that customer service is paramount. It has always been part of their ethos and even though I think their standards are not what they were, they are still amongst the best in the high street.


The reason I say that their standards are not what they were btw - is because of changes that they made to the way they do business. At one time they used to have shop assistants who knew their products - the training was very, very important. Now, they don't. They have one or two assistants in certain departments who know their stuff - but they have an awful lot more who don't. They employ people to wander around with a clipboard (this is retail triage) and ask if you want help - and when you say yes they can't help you themselves, they just exist to try and find you the one or two people that may be able to help.


They have also introduced the novel system of "queue twice at least" at John Lewis. You queue to find an assistant (unless the clipboard person finds you first) then you queue at the till to pay, then you have to go to the collection point and queue to collect it.


Brilliant! :(

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This happened at major electrical retailer at Crystal Peaks when I worked there. (they don't sell Chicken Tikka...)


Customer Service Desk assistant. (You know who you are...) "Alright Mrs Brown. I'll see what I can do. I'll just put you on hold a moment while I get the instruction book. No problem, Mrs Brown, I won't be long. "


Put's the phone on hold, and turns to his mate...


"Stupid f---ing woman, how many times am I going to have to explain the same f----ing things to her. For crying out f----ing loud."


His mate. "Are you sure that phone's on hold?"


"...course it is....oh my god...""


(It's not always deliberate!)

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