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So the US is angry that the Russians and Chinese have used their veto..

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Buck, old chap, mi owd lad, my mucker, how silly you sound.


The next time you stand in a three hour airport queue, reflect on what you just said - assuming you have a passport to get out.

I have flown most of my life, often in Naval Aircraft. For some years now I have been banned from flying in air liners by my pulmonologist. They are fraught with recycled air. It troubles me not one bit. My last flight was to Shannon to visit family, then on to Oslo by way of HeathRow to visit friends. Kennedy was easy, Shannon was easier, and Oslo was Oslo as Oslo always is. No security whatsoever. But Heathrow was a disaster as I expected. I spent an hour in my motherland going out and another one coming back for the first time in 20years, and it was enough.
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A large number of the problems are caused by the passengers. I travelled through Stansted in early September.


Long before I got to the security gate, I saw numerous posters which explained - in really simple terms - what I could and what I could not carry.


The posters said that liquids should be carried in containers within clear polythene bags - Carried, not in the hand luggage.


The posters also laid down - quite unambiguously - the size and number of containers I could carry.


When I got through security I saw a number of people being 'pulled' by the long-suffering security staff for ignoring the rules.


"But surely, this is only 150 ml?" Said the lady waving a pint bottle of something (which had been found in her suitcase.)


"Can I just tip some out on the floor and take it anyway"? (Lady with a 1 litre bottle of TRESemmé shampoo.) (Yeah, right lady! - just tip it on the floor!:hihi::hihi::hihi:)


They walk amongst us.

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I have flown most of my life, often in Naval Aircraft. For some years now I have been banned from flying in air liners by my pulmonologist. They are fraught with recycled air. It troubles me not one bit. My last flight was to Shannon to visit family, then on to Oslo by way of HeathRow to visit friends. Kennedy was easy, Shannon was easier, and Oslo was Oslo as Oslo always is. No security whatsoever. But Heathrow was a disaster as I expected. I spent an hour in my motherland going out and another one coming back for the first time in 20years, and it was enough.


Unless you're travelling first / business, Heathrow has always been a pit, and with respect Buck, one commercial journey in the last 20 years doesn't really qualify you any more than flying with the military.


The changes in security measures are nonsensical and completely down to politicians overreacting, just like the expeditionary folly in the middle east.

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ISRAEL is developing an airport security device that eliminates the privacy concerns that come with full-body scanners.


You step into a heavy Kevlar steel booth. It will not X-ray, you but will detonate any explosive device you have on you.


This as a win for everyone. No need to remove shoes. No unnecessary profiling. It also eliminates the costs of long & expensive trials for captured terror suspects.


It's so simple. It's brilliant.


In the airport terminal you will hear a muffled explosion. Shortly after, an announcement comes over the PA system, "Attention passengers - we now have a seat available on flight number nnn".

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ISRAEL is developing an airport security device that eliminates the privacy concerns that come with full-body scanners.


You step into a heavy Kevlar steel booth. It will not X-ray, you but will detonate any explosive device you have on you.


This as a win for everyone. No need to remove shoes. No unnecessary profiling. It also eliminates the costs of long & expensive trials for captured terror suspects.


It's so simple. It's brilliant.


In the airport terminal you will hear a muffled explosion. Shortly after, an announcement comes over the PA system, "Attention passengers - we now have a seat available on flight number nnn".


Winner! :thumbsup:

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Yes I watch Fox news among several others. Better than getting my ideas from the Andy Pandy show as you seem to do.


I was never required to remove my shoes before the Richard Reid episode. Maybe only people with smelly feet were




Yes that dam Richard Reid caused all these hold-ups at the airports, whatever happend to that ugly looking bugger anyhow.:gag:

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So the plebs discuss, argue the toss, but who gives a dam what they think? It gives them something to do, boosts their ineffective egos, head banging one another. Freedom? you are free if you can afford to be, and it costs, and in a few years will it cost even more!


We live in a world with diminishing resources, and them with the bigger guns take all, make the laws, and decide who is the enemy, and tells you who and why to hate. Plebs salivate when blood is offered for sacrifice. So as its about resources, the strong shall take all, and crush all opposition. Syria has oil, and strangely so does Iran, as for N. Korea, well they have nothing worthwhile. Its simplistic talk about who is who, so the plebs can understand the problem they are told exists.


Orwell got it right, the continuous war, communism and then terrorism (forget the war on drugs/plants) in which the good, are always victorious, and the continuyous war is always being won.


China and Russia are on the US hit list, but let us not talk of the future, as the present is what interests the ineffective opinionated ones. You have no say, no opinion that anyone want or bothers to take note of, so continue getting heated up with each other, its soooo amusing.


What might be the connection to global finance and Israel? Maybe that is where the power lies? Who gains from war? The corporate world, and who is the corporate world? Individual companies competing? Yes and there are fairies at the bottom of the garden. Seen the report about the 37 million corporations and who controls them? Who? Well who can afford such an investment? Who gains, well you don't, and keep paying higher prices to live at the same level, and accept you fate as bottom feeders, something you can do nothing about.


Interesting to see how the ineffectual nonentities discuss tit-bits of information without seeing who runs the show. How they run with this bit or that…..You are free, we live in a democracy? Do you decide where your taxes go? What do you decide? Elect puppets is democracy is it?


You are free to choose products in the supermarket, watch TV channels, but all your so called freedom costs, and the reality is you are wage slaves, reliant on being paid regularly, like children expecting sweets, where your efforts are taxed almost everywhere you go, and you support the parasitic people that proclaim, freedom and democracy, all at your expense. You in reality have the power of a fart in a thunderstorm. No wonder you are ignored except when they want the great unwashed to manage to draw a cross on a bit of paper, something even a chimpanzee can manage. You call it an expression of your democratic rights, well ask the chimpanzee what it gets from it? Like you bu***er all!


Keep up the jokes, I just love it!

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