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So the US is angry that the Russians and Chinese have used their veto..

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Why do the same people on here keep saying the same thing. That all the deaths in the middle east were down to Americans when we know that the very opposite is true?


You people just cant get along together and that's what it's all about.


You're doing it again! I'm a white british atheist, bacon butties and lager are my passions, I have no god, I don't believe in an afterlife - I'm expressing views which are common throughout the world, don't pigeon hole interest in middle eastern politics as the domain of 'you people' (by which I presume you mean muslims)

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Actually no that is not true.


People who watch Fox news are generally less well informed that people who watch no news! :hihi:


Note: This is not a joke, I may find it funny, but I am serious. Have some lovely sauce.


You literally are better off watching a Children's show, you will learn more.


That's a senseless comment meant in jest I presume


You could say that about MSNBC whose coverage is aimed at the politically liberal left.


I watch both channels. I dont like Bill O'Reilly though but not all he says is rubbish either.


More often I tune into Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow on MSNBC for an hour or two during early evening.


Only people of limited imagination stick to one point of political view and dismiss all others as garbage. That's arrogance and stupidity

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That's a senseless comment meant in jest I presume
No, I was quite specific about that, did you even read my post before replying or just the bit you put in bold?


I'm deadly serious: Generally speaking, You are better off watching no news (and by extension, any non-news program such as Andy Pandy) than Fox news. I even gave a source, here's a link to the actual study


You could say that about MSNBC whose coverage is aimed at the politically liberal left.
Not to anywhere near the extent that Fox news misinforms, check the link.


You really can't help but attack can you? I haven't said anything about MSNC, in fact I'm not sure I've ever even seen any of its programming., I'm not saying 'watch MSNBC', just that Fox News is more likely to misinform you than inform you.

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You're doing it again! I'm a white british atheist, bacon butties and lager are my passions, I have no god, I don't believe in an afterlife - I'm expressing views which are common throughout the world, don't pigeon hole interest in middle eastern politics as the domain of 'you people' (by which I presume you mean muslims)



I dont think America is hated throughout the world as you keep trying to point out. That's just your imagination working overtime.


Certainly Russia's President Putin has no love for the US but he presides over a country that lost it's super power status when the Soviet Union fell apart.

He's a child of the Soviet days and therefore logical to assume that there may be some resentment as a result


As for the Chinese their leaders may not particularly love us but they certainly dont hate us either. The commercial, economic and business ties between both countries long ago replaced any Cold War feelings of hostility


The Iranian leaders may hate us but many ordinary Iranians certainly dont

As for the rest of the middle east there are those among ordinary Arabs who do and those who dont but Saudi and the UAE are pretty close to the US and look to America to safeguard them from Iran's trouble making in that region.


Anyway keep on dreaming. You certainly have a beef against Israel and Jews for some reason. I might be able to understand it if you are of Arabic extraction but since you're not I wonder what otherwise motivates it? :suspect:

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No, I was quite specific about that, did you even read my post before replying or just the bit you put in bold?


I'm deadly serious: Generally speaking, You are better off watching no news (and by extension, any non-news program such as Andy Pandy) than Fox news. I even gave a source, here's a link to the actual study


Not to anywhere near the extent that Fox news misinforms, check the link.


You really can't help but attack can you? I haven't said anything about MSNC, in fact I'm not sure I've ever even seen any of its programming., I'm not saying 'watch MSNBC', just that Fox News is more likely to misinform you than inform you.



What defines "rubbish" lies in the mind of the politically brainwashed. In your case anything that smacks of right wing rhetoric falls into that category.


The same would apply in reverse to someone like Sara Palin equally brainwashed


To me the truth of it all may lie somewhere down the middle and that's the best I can hope for.

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That one commercial journey in twenty years turns out to be a yearly visit to Ireland from 1982 to 2008, a weekly trip from Montreal to Toronto for some years, from Connecticut to Florida every couple of years on family business. Numerous trips to Pulp and Paper Industry conferences in Florida, California, Washington State, Ontario ,Quebec, Maine, New Brunswick, Pennsylvania, and New York State. Domestic flights within the US are not too stringently checked out. The check out at Shannon is flimsy at best. Arriving at Heathrow for my brother's funeral in 1989 long before 9/11, I was assailed by a woman immigration official, who on checking my US passport noted that I was born in Sheffield, England. She asked me my intention and I said I was here for my brother's funeral. Without the slightest word of sympathy she assured me I could not work or stay longer than six months. When Britain joined the EU, Canadian and Australian citizens had to line up with foreign nationals while Europeans walked right in.


Buck, you'll have to excuse me because I read hit post as one flight in 20 years aside from the military.

I have flown most of my life, often in Naval Aircraft. For some years now I have been banned from flying in air liners by my pulmonologist. They are fraught with recycled air. It troubles me not one bit. My last flight was to Shannon to visit family, then on to Oslo by way of HeathRow to visit friends. Kennedy was easy, Shannon was easier, and Oslo was Oslo as Oslo always is. No security whatsoever. But Heathrow was a disaster as I expected. I spent an hour in my motherland going out and another one coming back for the first time in 20years, and it was enough.

One other point

Domestic flights within the US are not too stringently checked out.
Domestic USA flights are the ones with successful terrorists on them. You'd think...
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What defines "rubbish" lies in the mind of the politically brainwashed. In your case anything that smacks of right wing rhetoric falls into that category.
Once again, instead of arguing or even acknowledging my point at all, you have just chosen to insult me, and then you have the hypocrisy to imply that I am closed minded! :hihi:


The same would apply in reverse to someone like Sara Palin equally brainwashed
Are you serious? You think I'm the left wing equivalent of Sarah Palin? That's insane!


To me the truth of it all may lie somewhere down the middle and that's the best I can hope for.
Lol, it's cute that you think you're in the middle. :)
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That one commercial journey in twenty years turns out to be a yearly visit to Ireland from 1982 to 2008, a weekly trip from Montreal to Toronto for some years, from Connecticut to Florida every couple of years on family business. Numerous trips to Pulp and Paper Industry conferences in Florida, California, Washington State, Ontario ,Quebec, Maine, New Brunswick, Pennsylvania, and New York State. Domestic flights within the US are not too stringently checked out. The check out at Shannon is flimsy at best. Arriving at Heathrow for my brother's funeral in 1989 long before 9/11, I was assailed by a woman immigration official, who on checking my US passport noted that I was born in Sheffield, England. She asked me my intention and I said I was here for my brother's funeral. Without the slightest word of sympathy she assured me I could not work or stay longer than six months. When Britain joined the EU, Canadian and Australian citizens had to line up with foreign nationals while Europeans walked right in.


You still have dual nationality buck no matter what the lady said.

A passport official told me also that I could only stay six months and had no right to work


I told him that I never could make any worthwhile money when I worked in Britain and so why would I want to bother working now at my age and when I'm retired and comfortably off with it....bureaucratic twit ! :hihi:

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Once again, instead of arguing or even acknowledging my point at all, you have just chosen to insult me, and then you have the hypocrisy to imply that I am closed minded! :hihi:


Are you serious? You think I'm the left wing equivalent of Sarah Palin? That's insane!


Lol, it's cute that you think you're in the middle. :)


I am in the middle. Not some old pit pony like you being blind and led. :hihi:

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I am in the middle.
Wow, you really do believe that! I guess that's the kind of nonsense you end up believing when you watch too much fox news. You're about as central as McCarthy, as you've demonstrated once again by trying to imply that I'm some sort of crazy extreme socialist who shouldn't be listened to.


The amount of times I've seen you assume someone is a Muslim or a communist simply because they disagree with you is truly baffling, you've even done it on this very thread. 99% of the time you are wrong, so I would have thought you'd learn eventually but you still do it, pretty much every single time someone ever says anything bad about the USA or the policy of its government.

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