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So the US is angry that the Russians and Chinese have used their veto..

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So the plebs discuss, argue the toss, but who gives a dam what they think? It gives them something to do, boosts their ineffective egos, head banging one another. Freedom? you are free if you can afford to be, and it costs, and in a few years will it cost even more!


We live in a world with diminishing resources, and them with the bigger guns take all, make the laws, and decide who is the enemy, and tells you who and why to hate. Plebs salivate when blood is offered for sacrifice. So as its about resources, the strong shall take all, and crush all opposition. Syria has oil, and strangely so does Iran, as for N. Korea, well they have nothing worthwhile. Its simplistic talk about who is who, so the plebs can understand the problem they are told exists.


Orwell got it right, the continuous war, communism and then terrorism (forget the war on drugs/plants) in which the good, are always victorious, and the continuyous war is always being won.


China and Russia are on the US hit list, but let us not talk of the future, as the present is what interests the ineffective opinionated ones. You have no say, no opinion that anyone want or bothers to take note of, so continue getting heated up with each other, its soooo amusing.


What might be the connection to global finance and Israel? Maybe that is where the power lies? Who gains from war? The corporate world, and who is the corporate world? Individual companies competing? Yes and there are fairies at the bottom of the garden. Seen the report about the 37 million corporations and who controls them? Who? Well who can afford such an investment? Who gains, well you don't, and keep paying higher prices to live at the same level, and accept you fate as bottom feeders, something you can do nothing about.


Interesting to see how the ineffectual nonentities discuss tit-bits of information without seeing who runs the show. How they run with this bit or that…..You are free, we live in a democracy? Do you decide where your taxes go? What do you decide? Elect puppets is democracy is it?


You are free to choose products in the supermarket, watch TV channels, but all your so called freedom costs, and the reality is you are wage slaves, reliant on being paid regularly, like children expecting sweets, where your efforts are taxed almost everywhere you go, and you support the parasitic people that proclaim, freedom and democracy, all at your expense. You in reality have the power of a fart in a thunderstorm. No wonder you are ignored except when they want the great unwashed to manage to draw a cross on a bit of paper, something even a chimpanzee can manage. You call it an expression of your democratic rights, well ask the chimpanzee what it gets from it? Like you bu***er all!


Keep up the jokes, I just love it!


Fantastic post erebus and I would encourage anyone on here to thoroughly digest it. Dissect what is on the BBC and Sky as they are leading you up the garden path to the fairies at the bottom of the garden.


Anyone care to hear a word from retired U.S. General Wesley Clark

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Fantastic post erebus and I would encourage anyone on here to thoroughly digest it. Dissect what is on the BBC and Sky as they are leading you up the garden path to the fairies at the bottom of the garden.


Anyone care to hear a word from retired U.S. General Wesley Clark


Post or cut and paste?


No I wouldn't care to hear a word from Wesley Clark. He's yesterdays news

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Why have an Arab League, what makes them different from the United Nations, which cover many nations and many religeous beliefs? Who said anything about us cleaning up their mess, whatever that means?


Have you forgotten about Libya? It was the Arab League that started the international intervention in Libya by calling on the UN to impose a no fly zone. Who policed this no fly zone? The west at our expense.

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Wow, you really do believe that! I guess that's the kind of nonsense you end up believing when you watch too much fox news. You're about as central as McCarthy, as you've demonstrated once again by trying to imply that I'm some sort of crazy extreme socialist who shouldn't be listened to.


The amount of times I've seen you assume someone is a Muslim or a communist simply because they disagree with you is truly baffling, you've even done it on this very thread. 99% of the time you are wrong, so I would have thought you'd learn eventually but you still do it, pretty much every single time someone ever says anything bad about the USA or the policy of its government.


I'm a registered Democrat voter of many yeras standing. As it compares to British politics a US Democrat is nowhere near the left of the Labour party which succeeded after 12 years in power of bringing the British economy to the point of near disaster


The trouble with you is that unless anyone agrees with you they're an idiot.


Flamingjimmy speaks and what flamingjimmy says is gospel. Raises a hand to the sky and thunders "There is no God" Everyone fall to the ground and kiss my divine all knowing ass :hihi:


Give it up. I've no more time to bandy words with you !!

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I'm a registered Democrat voter of many yeras standing. As it compares to British politics a US Democrat is nowhere near the left of the Labour party which succeeded after 12 years in power of bringing the British economy to the point of near disaster
I really don't know why you're trying to score points by bashing the left of the labour party as if that's going to annoy me, I'm not a labour voter, I don't care. You're only demonstrating my point for me. You've made up in your head that I'm some extreme left wing fanatic and keep trying to bait me by bashing on those sorts of things.


The trouble with you is that unless anyone agrees with you they're an idiot.


Flamingjimmy speaks and what flamingjimmy says is gospel. Raises a hand to the sky and thunders "There is no God" Everyone fall to the ground and kiss my divine all knowing ass :hihi:

Lol now you have to resort to ridiculous hyperbole to insult me, because you can't even think of any actual slights anymore, fantastic!


I don't think everyone who disagrees with me is an idiot, I don't even think you're an idiot.


In this case at least however, I actually was right, I made that point and backed it up with a source and since then, you've done nothing but insult me.


Give it up. I've no more time to bandy words with you !!
That's what you said yesterday!:hihi:
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You still have dual nationality buck no matter what the lady said.

A passport official told me also that I could only stay six months and had no right to work


I told him that I never could make any worthwhile money when I worked in Britain and so why would I want to bother working now at my age and when I'm retired and comfortably off with it....bureaucratic twit ! :hihi:

This was the second timw I was told I couldn't work or stay loger than six months. THe first time was on a visit in 1976. I therefore decided to put a Visitor to Britain sticker on my rented car along with a maple leaf decal I'd brought with me. Visiting my Pal in Cornwall, who was a veteran of DDay, he was appalled that a long service navy veteran like me should be treated this way. He also noted the visitor sticker and laughed. He said he didn't know anyone who knew the roads of Britain bettert than I.
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Buck, you'll have to excuse me because I read hit post as one flight in 20 years aside from the military.


One other point

Domestic USA flights are the ones with successful terrorists on them. You'd think...

It's true that the major airports are potential threats. But every possible attack has been thwarted so far. Remember these attacks were on aircraft on their way to the US. The security checks were not made correctly at the source of departure, at least one of them originated in UK. Departure from JFK or Boston or any of the major international airports is a bitch to say the least. But internal flights are not too bad. The last time I flew to Orlando in 2008 from our local airport I only had to undergo a simple metal detector test. We landed at Charlotte NC and were let off the plane for a while before continuing. There was no check on climbing back aboard.
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Wow, you really do believe that! I guess that's the kind of nonsense you end up believing when you watch too much fox news. You're about as central as McCarthy, as you've demonstrated once again by trying to imply that I'm some sort of crazy extreme socialist who shouldn't be listened to.


The amount of times I've seen you assume someone is a Muslim or a communist simply because they disagree with you is truly baffling, you've even done it on this very thread. 99% of the time you are wrong, so I would have thought you'd learn eventually but you still do it, pretty much every single time someone ever says anything bad about the USA or the policy of its government.

I only wonder why there has to be so much hatred for the US as is obvious on SF. The only time I respond is when I feel my adopted home is being unfairly attacked. I have never initiated an attack on my homeland. You people attack Mc.Donalds and blame the US for it, but you eat there. You blame us for the Americanization of the English language but use the expressions yourselves. One woman says that Hershey's chocolate makes her throw up, then don't eat it lady. We don't have an equivalent to the Daily Mail in the US, and don't need one.
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