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So the US is angry that the Russians and Chinese have used their veto..

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Your opening post would suggest otherwise. I don't really think you care who dies so long as you can be smug. You're a terrible human being.


You like jumping to conclusions, Tony ?


You really need to stop doing that.

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You like jumping to conclusions, Tony ?


You really need to stop doing that.


Look at your opening post. It smacks of someone who rushed with a quote to prove a point. It wreaks of your excitement at another opportunity to have a pop at the west. Yet all the Russians and Chinese have done is sentence many muslims to death. It shows exactly the type of person you are.

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speaking of hypocrisy and media bias

Yesterday, I decided to do a search regarding the news about the death of 120 security men in Jisr Al Shaughour in Syria to see how the media is dealing with it. It wasn’t a surprise to notice that there was a political spin on the news in most media. Here is a rough list of the language used: “Armed groups” and “armed gangs” are put in quotation marks, the news is put as a claim by Syrian TV, the news was believed but put in a way to mean it was retaliation for what some have been claiming the Syrian government has been doing, or the focus is that the government aims at retaliation. Many of the media is not simply stating the event rather an analysis and political stance is given along with the news.


Regardless of what is happening in Syria the hypocrisy of these media is too much to ignore. Let a single riot (no weapons) happen in any European country or the US and see how the police crackdown on them because the security of the country is regarded as more important.

. In Idleb were this town is located 120 security men died in addition to the tens of others that have been killed yet till now many media don’t report there are armed groups



. The way the media dealt with the unrest in Libya is being repeated in Syria and the same mentality is followed without taking into account the context or different events. Also notice how most of these attacks happen near borders, Dara’a (near Jordan), Homos (near Lebanon) and now Idleb (near Turkey).

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so are the syrians, saying russia and china have handed the syrian government a license to kill.


I can only assume there is money involved somewhere here as its always to do with money when the russians or chinese have much to say, but suffice to say russia and china have blood on their hands.


there's always money involved and blood all over the hands of the US and UK - what's the UN motion for? will it end the bloodshed? f course it won't.


It's the 1st step towards bombing and the russians and chinese know that - they wonder, like I do how the recipients of the bombs are chosen, why is the motion not aimed at saudi or bahrain or israel all of whom have blood dripping from their mitts but are considered tame by the west and so left to get on with the killing while we trade with them and flog them the tools to do it with.


remember that one of the leaders of libya's revolution was placed in a gadaffi torture house by MI5, and then the existence of the torture houses was used by this country as the reason for bombing.



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at its VERY finest - china and russia represent nearly a third of the world's population, a world that is outraged at the Israeli treatment of the palestinians, its undeclared nukes and its arrogance in the face of critcism, but the UK and the US won't allow a word against them. UN members know that a motion soon turns into NATO bombing campaign and I salute the russians and chinese for finally standing up to uncle sam and the english.


I agree.

It shows how bad things have got that we are seeing our own governments and military as the bad guys.

Obviously they don't really care what people think anymore though.

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I agree.

It shows how bad things have got that we are seeing our own governments and military as the bad guys.

Obviously they don't really care what people think anymore though.


our government and military have rarely represented me - the blood stained history of the english empire is known to everyone. except the english

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... re. the horrific situation in Syrian :






Maybe they're just following Washington's lead everytime it vetos something that condemns Israel for it's illegal settlements, expulsions, and killing of Palestinians ?


US vetoes UN condemnation of Israeli settlements






US Vetoes Resolution Against Israel on UN Killings






US vetoes UN draft condemning Israel's killing of civilians






Hypocrisy at it's finest :cool:


No, it's because they are communist countries and hate the free enterprise of the West but they can't live without it. Maybe we should all boycott Russian and Chinese goods.

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No, it's because they are communist countries and hate the free enterprise of the West but they can't live without it. Maybe we should all boycott Russian and Chinese goods.


you think russia is communist! do you also think that hitler runs germany ?


go on , boycott russian goods - don't turn your heating on (it's chuffing cold out there) and boycott chinese goods don't buy - er - well anything.


you'll save a fortune !

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