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So the US is angry that the Russians and Chinese have used their veto..

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you think russia is communist! do you also think that hitler runs germany ?


go on , boycott russian goods - don't turn your heating on (it's chuffing cold out there) and boycott chinese goods don't buy - er - well anything.


you'll save a fortune !


i love russian gas and the chinese goods.....cheap but not so nasty anymore....as for the arab league...thought it was disbanded after the killings last week at the football....

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... re. the horrific situation in Syrian :






Maybe they're just following Washington's lead everytime it vetos something that condemns Israel for it's illegal settlements, expulsions, and killing of Palestinians ?


US vetoes UN condemnation of Israeli settlements






US Vetoes Resolution Against Israel on UN Killings






US vetoes UN draft condemning Israel's killing of civilians






Hypocrisy at it's finest :cool:



All this stuff you've posted obviously has nothing to do with Syria and Assad murdering his own people. Perhaps the Russians and the Chinese leaders aren't feeling that secure themselves and all these uprisings and revolutions are making them a little nervous. After all Russia and China are still nowhere near what true democracies should be.

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All this stuff you've posted has nothing to do with Syria and Assad murdering his own people


of course it does , the thread is about the vetoing of UN resolutions and the fact that the US does so whenever Israel is concerned, but bleats when anyone else does the same.

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of course it does , the thread is about the vetoing of UN resolutions and the fact that the US does so whenever Israel is concerned, but bleats when anyone else does the same.


It's generally accepted as a fact by western intelligence that at the moment Israel is preparing to carry out an attack against at least one or two Iranian nuclear facilities which are suspected of enriching uranium. This attack could happen at any time within the next six months.


The Iranians have given permission for UN inspectors to visit and inspect several of their sites but one or two others have been declared off limits... why?


In the meantime the US is pressuring Israel to hold off any attacks so that the latest embargos against Iran are given a chance to work.


You'd better hope that the US succeeds in persuading the Israelis !!!!!!!!


I know a lot of people on this thread claim that Israel is some kind of 51st state but far from it. Israel is a sovereign nation and there is a real concern about Iranian intentions towards it and if Iranians like Al kameni keep uttering phrases about "Israel being a cancer that must be removed" then the tensions will only get worse.

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It's generally accepted as a fact by western intelligence that at the moment Israel is preparing to carry out an attack against at least one or two Iranian nuclear facilities which are suspected of enriching uranium. This attack could happen at any time within the next six months.


The Iranians have given permission for UN inspectors to visit and inspect several of their sites but one or two others have been declared off limits... why?


In the meantime the US is pressuring Israel to hold off any attacks so that the latest embargos against Iran are given a chance to work.


You'd better hope that the US succeeds in persuading the Israelis !!!!!!!!


I know a lot of people on this thread claim that Israel is some kind of 51st state but far from it. Israel is a sovereign nation and there is a real concern about Iranian intentions towards it and if Iranians like Al kameni keep uttering phrases about "Israel being a cancer that must be removed" then the tensions will only get worse.


The best thing that could happen in the long term is to let the Israelis go ahead.

It would not be good for us, but would sort the situation out.

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It's generally accepted as a fact by western intelligence that at the moment Israel is preparing to carry out an attack against at least one or two Iranian nuclear facilities which are suspected of enriching uranium. This attack could happen at any time within the next six months.


The Iranians have given permission for UN inspectors to visit and inspect several of their sites but one or two others have been declared off limits... why?


In the meantime the US is pressuring Israel to hold off any attacks so that the latest embargos against Iran are given a chance to work.


You'd better hope that the US succeeds in persuading the Israelis !!!!!!!!


I know a lot of people on this thread claim that Israel is some kind of 51st state but far from it. Israel is a sovereign nation and there is a real concern about Iranian intentions towards it and if Iranians like Al kameni keep uttering phrases about "Israel being a cancer that must be removed" then the tensions will only get worse.


israel is indeed a rogue state that has undeclared nukes, seizes land and occupies it in contraveention of international law and massacres palestinians , including children , on a regular basis. The world is horrified, but the US refuses to allow that horror to be expressed and then criticizes china and russia for vetoing a motion against syria - that's what the thread is about mate.

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israel is indeed a rogue state that has undeclared nukes, seizes land and occupies it in contraveention of international law and massacres palestinians , including children , on a regular basis. The world is horrified, but the US refuses to allow that horror to be expressed and then criticizes china and russia for vetoing a motion against syria - that's what the thread is about mate.


You may be horrified, but the world is not.

I would rather have the world run by Israel than by the maniacs that run the rest of the Middle East.

And thank god the USA is the big boy.

The alternative is unthinkable.

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You may be horrified, but the world is not.

I would rather have the world run by Israel than by the maniacs that run the rest of the Middle East.

And thank god the USA is the big boy.

The alternative is unthinkable.


A short sensible post at last, right to the point in plain English.:thumbsup:

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A short sensible post at last, right to the point in plain English.:thumbsup:


but wrong - world opinion was indeed horrified by the invasion of gaza, it took the veto of uncle sam to prevent that horror being expressed. Israel continues to occupy palestinian land against international law and in the face of previous UN resolutions. but if you think that's OK then fine, but don't bleat about syria when you support the same savagery in palestine.

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israel is indeed a rogue state that has undeclared nukes, seizes land and occupies it in contraveention of international law and massacres palestinians , including children , on a regular basis. The world is horrified, but the US refuses to allow that horror to be expressed and then criticizes china and russia for vetoing a motion against syria - that's what the thread is about mate.[/quote



Unless the media has been subjected to severe censorship about any news relating to Isreal (and of course it bleddy well hasn't) then I'm not aware that Isael is is carrying out daily massacres of Palestinian, men, women and children. You're just parroting well worn and tired out old propaganda mate that's been heard a thousand times before. If deaths have taken place in Gaza in the past due to Israeli action it's because Hamas (who dont give a damn about their own people anyway) have fired rockets into Israeli territory and committed other acts of aggression.


Hamas amd Hezbollah love to to hear news of Palestinian deaths. It's a powerful propaganda weapon in their pointless, wasteful and never ending war against a nation whose existence they refuse to acknowledge.


As you say the world is horrified alright but not at your false statement of massacres of Palestinians but at the deaths of around 5,500 Syrans at the hands of Syrian leader Assad.


It's just not only the US that has criicized Russian and China for vetoing a motion against Syria but the whole European Union as well

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